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Blog, Community News and Announcements

The Saker’s Book Amazon Announcement from the Publisher

Dear friends, Amazon indicates that the Saker’s book hardcover edition is temporarily out of stock. Please, go ahead and place your order, regardless stock level indication. Amazon will refill its inventory and ship books first come first served to people who have placed out of stock orders, *then* to new orders. This should all happen within a matter of days and is largely automatic. Great news is that the Kindle

“The Essential Saker” book is now out in hardcover and ebook format!

Dear friends, It is a huge joy for me to finally announce to you that my first book, “The Essential Saker: from the trenches of the emerging multipolar world” is now finally out in hard (paper) format and as an Kindle ebook. This book is a collection of what I consider my most important articles written for the blog over the past years. This is a big book (600 pages!)

SouthFront needs our help!

Dear friends! Today is mid-November and we desperately need your support. Since the beginning of November, our expenses have run away due to we started to produce more videos (X1.5), moved to a new powerful, but expensive server, released a free digital book and a number of graphics. Thanks to your constant support about 10 000 unique users visit every day. The SF’s content reaches more then 100 000

Saker on the road for 10 days!

Dear friends, I will be away form home from Sunday the 14th through Wednesday the 25th.  I will have my Android smartphone and my Chromebook with me, so I should be reachable.  Still, this will be contingent on where exactly I am, and the trip will include some very remote locations, and on the coverage of my cellphone provider and motel wifis.  This will impact my ability to respond to

Serbian Saker blog bounces back with a new life!

Dear friends, The Serbian Saker blog has had a difficult history.  This is the only Saker blog which saw not one, but four complete team changes.  It looks like after a few false starts and the loss of one excellent Team Leader (due to personal circumstances), the Serbian Saker blog is now bouncing back with a new, very dynamic, team. If you have not seen it yet, check out this

SouthFront Offering Exclusive Digital Book ‘Syrian War Diary’

Dear friends, SouthFront has written an interesting ebook which I want to recommend to you.  Here below is their official announcement. The Saker ——- SouthFront Offering Exclusive Digital Book ‘Syrian War Diary’ The SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence project members and volunteers have prepared the original digital book, Syrian War Diary 1st Episode. The book is dedicated to the first period of the Syrian war. SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence goal is

SouthFront Project Report September-October

Dear friends, We are glad to inform you that SouthFront is continuing to make huge waves in the English-speaking world, providing an online platform for alternative media that allows everyone to contribute to the production and distribution of alternative point of view. Our team launched a series of new products and increased the content’s quality in September and October. Now, we are preparing for the last step in October and

SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence is Under Attack

Dear friends, The SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence team has faced the circumstances of insuperable force. Our servers were attacked, data bases were damaged. We are working hard to restore date and information needed to produce tactical analyses with detailed maps. Nonetheless, we won’t be able to produce animated tactical analysis maps till Thursday. Till this time, we will focus on the strategic and political analysis of the situation in Syria:

Answer to a disappointed reader

David just posted this comment on the blog: “Trying to read between your lines, Saker, has become an interesting pastime activity, from time to time. Sometimes I can make much sense of what you say, at other times I cannot make much sense at all, unless I complete the analysis with respect to some disguised or veiled purpose.  Your earlier writings and thoughts ( I have been reading you for

Does anybody know who Ana Belén Montes is?

by the Cuban Committee for Humane Treatment for Ana Belen Montes Does anybody know who Ana Belén Montes is? The pain caused by prison is the hardest one, the most devastating one, the one that kills your intelligence and dries out your soul, leaving scars imprinted in it, which will just never go away’. José Martí Does anybody know who Ana Belen Montes is? A question frequently asked by friends

From the Saker’s inbox: caution about the Glaziev report

Dear friends, I got the following email this morning and I want to share it with you: “I see that you’ve posted a translation of the report attributed to Sergei Glazyev. While parts of it “ring true” because of SG’s similar formulations in the past, you might want to make your readers aware that this is a leaked text. My information is that it is, at best, a rough draft

SouthFront Call Volunteers, Bloggers and Media: Don’t succumb to illusions

The ongoing events show that many of the Russia-focused web sites and blogosphere don’t have a clear-eyed view on the situation around the world. For example, one can find articles arguing Russia strictly adheres to the Minsk agreements. That in turn is offered as the reason Russia has the ability and the military resources to come to grips with the Syrian issue and even to embark on a military build-up

How SouthFront changes the world

If you are having trouble viewing this video, go to the Youtube version at SouthFront, Analysis & Intelligence is a public analytical project maintained by an independent  team of experts from the four corners of the Earth focusing on international relations issues and crises and working through a number of media platforms with a special emphasis on social networks. We focus on analysis and intelligence of the ongoing crises

Saker appeal for help: do you want to actually *do* something to resist?!

Dear friends, I need your help. Specifically, I are looking for two kinds of volunteers: MODERATORS: I need at least two, ideally three, moderators to help moderate the comments in this blog.  Several of our moderators are currently unable to help us due to their personal, real life, issues.  We especially need moderators to fill the following time slots: 5PM/1700 to 9PM/2100 GMT 12AM/0000 to 4AM/0400 GMT If you can

Tribute to a wonderful friend

I am writing this this because a person who has been a big part of this blog has not been here for almost three months, and has not given us much explanation for her absence. KK – a person completely dedicated to the cause of Novorussyia.  And a strong and educated moderator at Saker’s Blog, KK gave in-depth, passionate comments on this blog concerning Novorussyia and its fighters..  Everyone came

I have to take a few days off

Dear friends, I am exhausted, I feel sick (flu?) and I have a backlog of things I need to attend to, including at least two interviews for the blog which I am sure you will find most interesting (teaser: one will feature a Q&A with a very interesting and well-known US politician) I need to pace myself, so I will be taking a few days off.  Maybe until next Monday.
