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Blog, Community News and Announcements

A small reminder and clarification: I am an alien, really :-)

Dear friends, Yesterday one of you made a very perspicacious comment about my views: “You live in Florida, but you could as well have been writing from Neptune or the Moon“.   This is absolutely correct.  In fact, on the old blog, I posted the following little blurb about myself “I am a ‘legal alien’ currently living in the Imperial Homeland“.  Of course, what I mostly meant was that I was

Good news!! Domain name problem *solved*

Dear friends, Good news!!  Thanks to a good friend (AK) who contacted the right person, our domain name problem is fixed.  We have now take the needed steps to make sure that it does not happen again. I want to thank my IT guys who had to deal with a rather crazy situation and who all went out of their way to find a way to fix this problem: they


Dear friends, I was hoping to avoid having to report this to you, but we might have some major problems with the blog in the near future.  This is not critical, but it could be a major headache.  Here is what is going on. The company with which we registered the domain name “” has basically been totally unreachable for over a month now.  We tried emails, calling them in

Tank expert “Kakaouskia” offers to make a Q&A with Saker readers!

Announcement by “Heavy Metal” Kakaouskia: To all the Saker community, I saw with great pleasure that my article “Heavy Metal – A comparison of Russian and Western armour” generated quite a bit of interesting comments. I wanted to come back with “Heavy Metal – Part II” comparing ammunitions, but as specifications on these are very hard to come by (the real stuff, not what the brochures say) I decided to

Geopolitics made understandable by an expert connecting dots – A Review

by Peter Koenig The Saker – other than a falcon with superb eyesight capturing everything that moves – is also an extraordinary analyst of Russian military and Current Affairs. The thousand-pager opens with an Outstanding Foreword by Pepe Escobar, who in a few paragraphs characterizes The Saker’s writings eloquently from a bird’s view, submarine’s perspective and a Big Picture outlook from the desert. Well done; getting the best out of

Jeff J. Brown reviews “The Essential Saker”

The Essential Saker: from the trenches of the emerging multipolar world, by The Saker (2015, Nimble Pluribus, 616 pages, ISBN-10: 1608880583, ISBN-13: 978-1608880584) By Jeff J. Brown. Cross-linked with 44 Days. The Saker and I have some key commonalities. We are both older than younger. Until later in life, we both led status quo lives, with socially acceptable jobs. We believed that what our leaders, governments, teachers and bosses were

Blog news for December 2015

Dear friends, I think that it is good time to share with you some news about the future of this blog and what I have been working on behind the scenes.  Much of what I will describe you have already seen, but I wanted to spell out where I think we are and where we are going.  So let’s take it one by one. Guest Posts This is something I

Pepe Escobar’s new book it out, and it is very original!

Dear friends, Pepe Escobar has just penned a new book, short and very original.   Here is it’s description from the publisher (same as mine – Nimble Books): A nomadic political analyst realizes he will soon become a grandfather. So he decides to write a digital letter to his grandson-to-be; an intangible legacy, encompassing some lessons he learned from life. The letter can only be “opened” in 2030, when the grandson

SouthFront needs help *NOW*!

Dear friends, I always hate asking for money, but when it is for somebody else, then I feel no such compunction or need to apologize for it.  So I will be as blunt as I can: SouthFront needs money *NOW*. It is easy to forget that they are the ones producing the excellent daily videos with news, analysis, conflict reports and special maps and infographics which they kindly share with

Mini-bio and autographed copies of the Saker Book

Dear friends, First, I want to thank you all for your comments and suggestion (well over 500 comments in between the two posts!).  I gave it all a lot of thought and I ended up doing something in between option A and option B.  No big “coming out” but, instead, a small “addendum” to what I consider my real curriculum vitae: the “Submarines in the Desert” article.  From now on,

Blog returns to normal work on Monday + reaction to votes

Dear friends, First, I want to thank you for your advice and opinions about how to deal with the privacy issue.  To my surprise, opinions were fairly split between option A and option B.  I think that I will take some time to write up a small addendum to the  “about the Saker” article Submarines in the Desert (which I consider to be the best meaningful introduction to who I

Saker request of advice to the Saker Community: option A or option B?

Dear friends, Yesterday evening I have finally come back from my week long trip to Switzerland where I barely had the time to bury my mother and go clean up her small apartment.  This was probably one of the worst weeks in my life and I wanted to begin by thanking all those of you who have expressed their sympathy for the loss of my mother.  Your outpouring of kindness

Is Turkey Waging War on Russia in Crimea, the Caucasus, and Central Asia? …. Sputnik News Interviews Saker

One of our readers found this today and posted it in our open thread. The full article is now posted here for all to read. link to original on sputnik news… webmaster Sputnik written by Ekaterina Blinova What is taking place today is a battle for global dominance, waged by major Western geopolitical players, and what is at stake here is the future of our planet, an anonymous US analyst

Short message from the Saker

Dear friends, I just wanted to let you know that I am sorry for being unable to work on the blog for the past week.  The trip to bury my mother has turned out to be even harder than I feared.  I am leaving tomorrow morning and, God willing, I should be back home on Wednesday.  A huge thank you to Scott and Herb for holding the fort in my

The Saker Community Announcement on the Essential Saker Book and the Call for Networking Help

Dear friends, I just want to give you a brief update on the Saker’s book sales. As you know, it had launched on November 17th and to our pleasant surprise that book had immediately became a bestseller in the Politics & Government > Specific Topics > Globalization books section on Amazon. Our publisher, Fred Zimmerman, even said that amongst all his titles, it was the best book launching, for the

Report from Crimea by Auslander

Auslander posted this sitrep in our comment section. I have reposted it here for all to read. (Webmaster) The situation in Krimea and Sevastopol is serious. The power coming to Krimea was actually Russian electric, ‘transshipped’ to Krimea via uke power system, at great cost I might add. Included in this formal agreement and written contract was Russia supplying the ukes with substantially more electric than was ‘shipped’ to Krimea.

Additional links regarding the downing of Russian Su-24

Saker is attending his mother funeral at this time. Scott and myself (webmaster) have been tasked with providing support during this time. Early this morning an open thread post was open so that the Saker community could discuss the downing of the SU-24. Scott followed by posting a SitRep. While we await Saker’s analysis I found the following links quite interesting. This article provide a military tactical explanation for the
