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Guest Analyses

Le Monde’s circus invite: ‘France is a leftist country which votes right’

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog In less than three months France will have a presidential vote, and I haven’t written much about it because I’ve been too occupied with what I humbly hope will be the authoritative book on the Yellow Vest movement. The working title is France’s Yellow Vests: Western Repression of the West’s Best Values. It will be published for free in serialised form, like my

Russia and the West: Piercing the Fog of Hysteria

by Pepe Escobar, posted with the Author’s permission and widely cross-posted The fatal mistake committed by Brussels in 2014 was to force Kiev to make an impossible choice between Europe and Russia. A specter haunts the collective West: total zombification, courtesy of an across-the-board 24/7 psy ops imprinting the inevitability of “Russian aggression”. Let’s pierce the fog of hysteria by asking Ukrainian Defense Minister Reznikov what’s going on: “I can

The Saker interviews Michael Hudson

Intro: I need to begin with a MAJOR caveat and tell you how/why this “interview” happened.  I did not plan to interview Michael Hudson.  I was listening to a well known Russian economist, Mikhail Khazin, and I was fascinated by what he was saying.  I also understood only some of the points he was making.  To put it mildly, I am not an economist, and while listening to Khazin did

Ukraine and Russian escalation dominance: A Fiction

This is complete fiction based on the current situation.  We post it as a counterweight to the fiction produced by the western corporate media by rzw for the Saker Blog I will try to keep it as short as possible. Some context information and static basic assumptions: Rules of targeting (NATO Standards) – Compiled after NATO interventions in Iraq, Yugoslavia, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan Valid targets in 404 (Ukraine) and NATO

The Menticide Manual – Terms of Breeding

By Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker Blog Breeding here refers to producing humans with desired characteristics. Selective breeding has been going on since we saw ass. If you have any reason to believe that you were NOT bred for desired characteristics, then you most likely are… well… a child of burden. I know it hurts, but after this chapter, you’ll have more clarity. Unnatural Degeneracy: Biopolitics In 2009, a

What Next?

Tarik in the Vineyard for the Saker Blog I’m not sure even a NATO mosquito could cross the Russian border unmolested. And when a bear is lethally threatened, it doesn’t posture; it charges in a mighty roar. So why the Russian ultimatum? There are many plausible motives, many of which are not mutually exclusive. I’d like to focus on an aspect that hasn’t been discussed yet. The last ten to

An aftermath of Washington Post – Zelensky interview

by Lilia Shumkova for the Saker blog On December 8, 2021, days before Russia presented to the U.S. its Draft of the proposed Treaty between The United States of America and the Russian Federation on security guarantees, foreign Secretary of the UK Liz Truss held talks with the Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba in the UK-Ukraine Strategic Dialogue platform. After the talk, the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

Iran-Russia hit maximum strategy

Three ain’t a crowd: The Iran-Russia summit this week, concurrent with RIC military drills in the Sea of Oman, in advance of a Xi-Putin meeting in two weeks, suggests a rapidly-advancing strategic vision for the three Eurasian powers. By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and cross-posted with The Cradle The official visit to Russia by Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, at the invitation of Vladimir Putin, generated one of

The Other Side of the Story: Russia’s view on Geopolitics, War and Energy Racketeering

by Nash Landesman for the Saker Blog The following is an exclusive interview with Russian Duma deputy, Yevgeny Fyodorov, a high-ranking conservative, nationalistic lawmaker in President Vladimir Putin’s United Russia Party. He has been Chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy of the State Duma and a member of the Advisory Council of the President of the Russian Federation. Below we discuss war with Ukraine, principles of sovereignty and geopolitics, the ongoing

A Short-Term Geopolitical Forecast

By Dmitry Orlov and posted with the author’s permission Ever since Putin announced his demands for security guarantees from the US and NATO (in brief, stop NATO’s eastward expansion, have NATO retreat to its positions of 1997 and remove offensive weapons from Russia’s immediate vicinity) we have been subjected to a barrage of irrelevancies from Western press: • Are these security guarantees an ultimatum or a negotiating tool? • Will

Mr. Xi plays Davos Man

A collective West “led” by unspeakable mediocrities looks at the Russia-China strategic partnership as if it was something like a double-headed Anti-Christ. Xi, for his part, seems not to be impressed. By Pepe Escobar: posted with permission and widely cross-posted The virtual, special address by President Xi Jinping to the World Economic Forum’s 2022 Davos Agenda exhibits all the elements of a riddle inside an enigma. At first, it certainly

The Menticide Manual – In Medias Res

By Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker Blog In medias res is the literary device to start your story “in the midst”. This trick will create in the minds of the audiences the illusion of distance to a beginning and an end. As in: They are throwing you in the middle of it. All epics – from Homer’s Odyssey to Aśvaghosa’s Buddhacharita to the anonymous Beowulf – are necessarily written

European Requiem for the Russian Opposition

By Serbian Knight for the Saker Blog The growing pressure on Russia from Europe every day does not lead to support for street protests and a wave of discontent among Russians, as well as to mass opposition demonstrations, no matter how much we would like to. Sanctions, support for the street opposition, and public threats against Moscow are having the opposite effect: the Washington-fueled protest`s have completely failed, Russian society

The Not-Ultimatum

by Observer R for the Saker Blog Background The documents issued by Russia in December 2021 (the so-called “Not-Ultimatum), concerning modifications to the security architecture in Europe, have created a considerable sensation in the diplomatic and military worlds. Russia politely requested that NATO confine its activities to its location as of 1997, and keep out of the former Warsaw Pact territory. This was to abide by the promises that the

This Is How the U.S. Does ‘Dialogue’

Washington will not consider Russian proposals on no expansion of NATO, and has no intention of even discussing the idea. So much for “dialogue”. by Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted It was the first high-level Russia-NATO meeting since 2019 – coming immediately after the non sequitur of the U.S.-Russia “security guarantee” non-dialogue dialogue earlier in the week in Geneva. So what happened in Brussels? Essentially

After Kazakhstan, the color revolution era is over

What happened in Kazakhstan increasingly looks like a US-Turkish-British-Israeli-led coup d’etat attempt foiled dramatically by their Eurasian adversaries By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and cross-posted with The Cradle The year 2022 started with Kazakhstan on fire, a serious attack against one of the key hubs of Eurasian integration. We are only beginning to understand what and how it happened. On Monday morning, leaders of the Collective Security

The South Needs a Sane Foreign Policy

By Walt Garlington for the Saker Blog ‘The Constitution is not a suicide pact’ – but it is nearing that deadly threshold in a number of ways: federal debt, unchecked immigration, but most existentially in a lunatic foreign policy. In its relations with Russia and China especially, but also with regard to Iran, North Korea, and others, the diplomatic/military/intelligence apparatus in Washington City seems driven to ignite dangerous international conflagrations.
