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Saker Analyses and Interviews

More tectonic developments taking place

First, there is the crazy behavior of Germany. Rather than repeat it all here, I will simply point you to Andrei Martyanov’s article about this here: ===>>>BTW I recommend to all my readers to check Martyanov’s blog every day!<<<=== Then here is this: the DPRK is testing a hypersonic missile and Some western “experts” have declared that the test “might” have been a failure.  Make of that

Luis Salinas interprets a medley of Argentinian zambas

I will be away from keyboard for a few hours, so I want to leave you with with yet another superb video of my absolutely favorite Argentinian jazz guitarist who here plays a medley of traditional Argentinian zambas (not to be confused with Brazilian sambas).  IMHO this guys is a virtuoso and a pure musical genius.  Each time I listen to him play this music my nostalgia for the “old

Hungary does the “unthinkable” and defends its national interests

Hungary has just signed a 15 year contract with Russia for the delivery of Russian gas via the southern route, thus bypassing the Ukraine completely (3.5 billion cubic meters via Serbia and 1 billion cubic meters via Austria).  But that is not all.  The Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has stated, in so many words, that this is a sovereign decision of Hungary and that it is nobody’s business how

Saker message to the community: we need your help.

Dear friends I wish we lived in a perfect world, populated by perfect people, and nobody would ever have to worry about or, even less so, ask for financial help (which I *really* hate doing, to put it mildly).  Alas, we don’t. The truth is that even a purely peaceful resistance like ours still runs on the “fuel” of money. Here are some of the real world good news first:

Interview with A.B. Abrams about his latest book and the war in Syria

by Andrei for the Saker blog A.B. Abrams has just released a new book entitled World War in Syria – Global Conflict on the Middle Eastern Battlefields.  Here are two locations were you can order this most interesting volume: For those who don’t remember who Abrams is, here are two of his previous contributions to the Saker blog: The book got A LOT of praise already,

9/11 twenty years later and cheap & ubiquitous cellphones

by Andrei for the Saker blog Twenty years have passed since 9/11, so where do we stand today?  I will give my short answers as bullet points and then let you post your own conclusions.  Here are mine: Numerous engineers, architects, chemists, researchers and others have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that 9/11 was a controlled demolition. There is very strong, albeit indirect, preponderance of evidence that the Israelis were

The Ukraine claims to be ready for an imminent war, today or tomorrow :-)

by Andrei for the Saker blog Well, we heard that, what, 10’000 times already?  Probably. But is this a reason to simply ignore yet another tsunami of hysterics coming out of Kiev? I mean, I get it: North Stream 2 has been completed today, all that’s left is a bunch of paperwork (which the Poles and Ukies are still trying to sabotage by offering to “participate” in the bureaucratic processes).

The Taliban, 9/11, the Empire, MAGA eastern wet pampers

By Andrei for the Saker Blog. Most of you must have heard it: the Taliban will organize a major celebration on September 11th to mark the liberation of Afghanistan from the US occupation and the creation of the new Afghan government.  The Russians and the Chinese have been invited.  As are the Pakistanis.  Not sure about Iran (do you know?)? The Afghan government could be called a “GITMO government” since

Ukie terrorist group caught in Crimea

Actually, there have been a lot of terrorist attacks on Crimea, but either they were caught, or the actual damage was minimal.  So it’s not something new. This time, the Ukie SBU hired two guys to place explosives.  Everybody was caught. Now here comes the important factoid: all these attacks were planned and coordinated by either the Ukie SBU or the Ukie military intelligence service GUR (yes, like GRU, just

This and that, and some news and some more music

Dear friends First, a few quick announcements: We currently have 79 participants signed up for the Christian Vignettes This is NOT a closed list, newcomers can apply until the group becomes unmanageably too big (and we are not there yet!) One user entered a bad email or had a full email inbox.  All others should, by now, have received their credentials to sign in and participate in the discussion In

Some really nice Argentinian music!

Dear friends, I am leaving for the week-end, so I want to leave you with something nice: a full concert of the Argentinian Jazz guitarist Luis Salinas who, in this concert, plays a lot of traditional Argentinian music.  I hope that you will enjoy this as much as I did, and see you all on late Sunday evening. Cheers Andrei

Wanna see what a US ‘hero’ looks like and how they really behave?

I heard about that video on Russian TV.  I decided to check it out.  Let’s make this clear, this is not a video produced by RT or some other “Putin propaganda troll farm”.  These are the US servicemen Biden calls “heroes”.  Here it is, with no need for further comments from me.  Behold the best and greatest warrior-heroes in history: Note: should YouTube decide to “patriotically” “correct” or “cancel” this

“Alexandria” by Yiannis Kotsiras (Live 2012)

I have always been a big fan of Greek music, be it traditional singing, Orthodox singing and even more modern types of Greek music of the Rebetiko style including, for example, Giorgos Dalaras.  Here is an example of Dalaras singing the famous Cuban son “Hasta Siempre Comandante” with Al Di Meola on guitars(!): Today a family member sent me a video of a singer I did not know, Yiannis Kotsiras,

Why the current hysteria?

By Andrei for the Saker Blog. The current mass hysteria about what just happened in Kabul and the rest of Afghanistan is not dying down. Why is that so? I believe that what is happening is this: if we compare the people of the USA to the passengers on the Titanic, we could say that our passengers were listening to the still playing orchestra until their feet got soaked in

Upcoming small changes to the Saker blog (UPDATED)

Dear friends, For various reasons, I plan to make the new Saker blog more similar to the very old Saker blog (2007-2012). None of the planned adjustments below will dramatically change anything, so please think of is as a kind of mid-life minor maintenance overhaul. What follows is a summary of these changes: The biggest change will be not in what I write, but how I present things to you.

Quick update on the Kabul situation

Since I wrote my overview about the causes and implication of the Kabul disaster things have not improved in the least. It is clear that the “Biden” administration has tried very hard to do some damage control, but that only made things even worse (just think of Biden’s talks to the nation).  It is also clear that there is no way the US can evacuate all its citizens, nevermind former

Small Saker announcement (UPDATED)

Dear friends, I have LOTS of news for you, all of them good. I am writing a detailed open letter to you, the readers, to inform you of the coming changes to how this blog operates and spelling out things which in the past I only alluded to or rarely mentioned. But I am also still tired, but off my antibiotics and better rested. Please give me a day or

Will Afghanistan turn out to be US imperialism’s “Last Gleaming”?

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] In October of last year I wrote a column entitled “When Exactly Did The AngloZionist Empire Collapse” in which I presented my thesis that the Empire died on 8 January 2020 when the Iranians attacked US bases with missiles and the US did absolutely nothing. Yes, this was the correct decision, but also one which, at least to me, marked the death

Interview with Roger Waters

Do I even have to introduce Roger Waters to my readers?  Those born in the  1970s-80s  all know the name “Pink Floyd” as one of, if not the THE, most talented group in the history of pop/rock music.  As for our younger readers, they at least will have heard of albums like The Dark Side of the Moon or The Wall.  Then there are the comparatively more recent releases by
