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Appeal to the mothers of Ukraine

Foreword: today I am publishing a number of appeals to the mothers and people of the Ukraine which I ask you to circulate as widely as possible.  The women of the Ukraine have already shown their determination to stop the senseless bloodshed ordered by the junta and I think that it is crucial for us to let them know that we are aware of their struggle and that we support

August 29th 15:35 UTC/ZULU Ukrainian SITREP

The Ukrainian civil war has reached a turning point and a lot of separate facts point to this conclusion:Military situation on the groundThe Ukies are losing, badly.  All the reports from Novorussian sources agree that the Ukie forces are either surrounded or in full retreat.  But Ukies sources also confirm this.  In Kiev, angry demonstrations by nationalists accuse the military high command of minimizing the real casualty figures, of having

“Manifest” by Andrey Avramenko, Kharkov

I envy the Russians, I envy these “katsaps” and “the Moskals”! I envy their Olympics and their army. I have many friends and relatives in Russia. I see how they change and grow. They believe their President. They believe in their army. They are proud of their great history, achievements and victories. It was once our common history … victories and achievements. Not so long ago. They have found their

President of Russia Vladimir Putin addressed Novorossiya militia

Full text of address: It is clear the militia has achieved a major success in intercepting Kiev’s military operation, which represents a grave danger to the population of Donbass and which has already led to the loss of many lives among peaceful residents. As a result of the militia’s actions, a large number of Ukrainian service members who did not participate in the military operation of their own volition but

Appeal from the Russian Saker Team

Dear friends, While we are all on the edge waiting for the news from Novorossia to change any minute, we’d like to ask your help with the two projects that the Russian Saker team is currently undertaking: 1. Our Russian partners from site asked us about the Ferguson crisis in the USA. Can those of you who live in the US, write something up for us or send us

Novorussian flag over Saur Mogila (UPDATED!)

what hand amongst the rubblefixed you therebeneath vast spacesof Novorussian skies?left there leaning aloneblue stripe above as the skyred stripe below as the bloodof the fallenflying in the breezecapturing heartswith the silent joyful messageof victory and freedom Prue Benson  Updated version by Vasco de Gama:  

Not confirmed, but maybe?! (+ open thread)

Dear friends,I just decided to quickly drop by to let you know that the reports out of Novorussia are nothing short of incredible.  Okay, this is not, repeat, *NOT* confirmed, but sources are reporting that Novorussian forces have bypassed Mariupol from the north and have entered the Zaporozhie region!  I find this hard to believe, but some sources indicate that there is an offensive on Berdiansk.  If true, this is

August 26th-27th Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo: Sistani, Sistani, Sistani! May God keep you till the Mahdi!

Retraction: Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif was referring to Concessions being given by the West on compromises made in Arak, where nuclear facilities are located, and not on Iraq, its neighbour. 26th Aug: Iraqi Security Forces are stating that they have arrested the terrorist responsible for the bombing that took place in Babil on Monday. 26th Aug: Daash has destroyed using explosives the house of the advisor to the Salah

Overview of the Situation in the Donbass Region from Gleb Bazov

Overview of the Situation in the Donbass Region – August 24, 2014 Translated by Daniel MikhailovichEdited by Olga Luzanova The Fighting in the Coastal Area Even recently, it might have seemed laughable, but today the fighting has begun in the area of Novoazovsk, where a powerful anti-aircraft defense node and a hodgepodge of different units of questionable combat capability have been stationed since April to cover the border with Russia. After the

Confirmed: Ilovaisk has been liberated + open thread

Dear friends,I have a bad case of repetitive stress injury (RSI) due to too much keyboard and mouse use (even though I use an ergonomic keyboard and mouse).  I need to type less today, but I want to confirm that Ilovaisk, the city featured yesterday in this video, has been freed.Now I must take the rest of the day off.Open thread!Cheers,The Saker

What is the deal with the Ukie “cauldrons”?

A lot of people are wondering what the deal is with the so-called “cauldrons” in which the Ukie forces seem to get surrounded over and over again.  Are the Ukie generals simply stupid, or what is the deal?  I will try to explain.Remember that that Ukie forces are typically “heavy”.  They have lots of tanks, lots of artillery, lost of ammo, lots of soldiers, etc.  At least initially.  They are

Watershed press conference by top Novorussian officials – transcripts (UPDATED!)

Dear friends,Since many of you have asked for it – here is the transcript in 3 languages:French  It would be very helpful if some of you could make transcripts in other languages.  If you do – please email me the link to the transcript, or send me the text, and I will post them here. Many thanks and kind regards, The Saker  UPDATE1: here is the download link for the

August 26th combat SITREP by Juan + two very different maps :-)

1. The situation has improved in Novorossiya but is still quite serious. The enemy still has an overwhelming advantage in hardware and men and in some instances shows they know how to use that preponderance. 2. As the Army of Novorossiya goes about it’s task of freeing cities, towns and villages they are followed by what relief is available for the newly freed citizens. Also in the follow up are

The bizarre non-story of the captured Russian soldiers

Did the Ukrainians really catch 10 Russian paratroopers?Maybe.For one thing, this time around the Ukies have provided names, a unit number (331st Regiment, 98th Guard Airborne Division) and even a video of their interrogation.  So this might be real.If it is, I hope that it will at least shut up the choir of naysayers who constantly accuse Russia of doing nothing, of betraying Novorussia, of selling out the Donbass and

Watershed press conference by top Novorussian officials (MUST SEE!)

Dear friends,There is no overstating the importance of this press conference by by Alexander V. Zakharchenko, Chairman of The Council of Ministers of The Donetsk National Republic.  As as soon as I saw it myself, I asked two of our Teams (Russian and Oceania) to work together on a translation as fast as possible.  They did as stellar job and I can now share this video with you.   I want

Blog news update, donations and some personal thoughts

Dear friends,Blog migration to new servers First I would like to update you on the migration of this blog to dedicated servers in Iceland.  The short version is this: it is happening, we have already backed up the data, the server is up, WordPress has been installed, and the very kind IT specialists who are helping me are working on a few more matters.  It might take a little longer,

August 22nd to 25th Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo: An eye for eye

18th Aug: Yazidi volunteers are being trained by the Kurds to fight Daash. The Kurds are providing the Yazidis with arms, training, and uniforms. 22nd Aug: An attack on the Sunni Musab bin Omair mosque in Diyala during Friday prayers has left 68 worshippers dead. Locals are blaming Shia militias for the attack. They state that the attack followed the deaths of Shia militiamen in an IED attack and that
