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Situation report evacuees from Auslander

We received the first 5 evacuees who will be benefactors of our efforts. We have two adult women and three children. I will give no information about this group or how they came to us beyond these are special people whom no one else could help. When this war is over I will tell some details of the evacuees. This makes a total of 8 women and children we have

30th June IRAQ SITREP by Mindriedo

29th June: On the first of Ramadan, Daash has declared itself and the territory it holds an Islamic State. It has changed its name to Daulat Islamia or Islamic government/state or its acronym DI. The new caliph and “successor” of Muhammad (sawa) and the “commander of the faithful (Amerul Momineen)” of Daulat Islamia is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. DI has asked all fighters within its borders to pay allegiance to their

Strelkov, Berezin & Militia Briefings, June 29-30, 2014

Combined for June 29-30, 2014 Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov #1 – Morning Briefing from the Militia, June 29, 2014, 8:35 Original: Strelkov Info The ceasefire is progressing at full strength – at night the Ukie forces shelled Slavyansk and Semyonovka. In response, they got a massive shelling of Karachun and the Kramatorsk airfield (including with tanks) – [following which] they quickly calmed down. 10:54 – Once again, Ukies

29th June IRAQ SITREP by Mindfriedo

29th June: Qassem Atta’s claims for today: 142 terrorists killed, 51 vehicles destroyed (no army in the world must be prouder of destroying its own looted equipment), 102 sorties undertaken. 29th June: Majeed Aqa Babaei, from the Iranian Interior Ministry claims that Daash will not dare attack the Iranian border for fear of retaliation. (He is trying to reason with mad men) 29th June: The Iraqi authorities are denying claims

Strelkov, Berezin and Militia Briefings, June 27-28, 2014

Combined for June 27-28, 2014Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov #1 – Commentary from Igor Strelkov, June 27, 2014, 14:56Original: Strelkov Info Regarding a Militia tank allegedly taken out by the Ukrainian army – Igor Ivanovich, what is this photography that the Ukies are posting all over the place on the Internet? Igor Strelkov: How should I know? Perhaps it’s one of their own tanks, which burned down near Yampol

Could the Ukraine, backed by NATO, attack Russia?

On at least three occasions I tried to dispel the notion that the US/NATO could attack Russia or Russian forces in the Ukraine (see here, here and here).  I tried to show that geography, over-reach and politics made a conventional attack impossible and I tried to show that a nuclear attack, whether tactical or strategic, could not succeed.  There is a new theory which is apparently going around now which

June 28th IRAQ SITREP by Mindfriedo

28th June: A leader of the Naqshabandi order, Khalid Ibrahim, has been killed in the north east of Baqouba. He was killed along with five associates by SWAT, a Special Forces group. 28th June: Daash has destroyed three Shia mosques: Husseniyeh, AhlulBayt, and Al-Hakim mosques and three mausoleums/shrines: Khader Elias, Imam Saad bin Aqeel, Ar Mamut shrine in Tal Afar. Daash has made announcements that shrines and mausoleums within its

Strelkov Interview & Statement

Strelkov & Militia Briefings, June 27, 2014 Combined for June 27, 2014Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov Report on the OSCE Mission Visit to Slavyansk, June 27, 2014 Original: Strelkov Info On June 26, 2014, OSCE personnel visited and inspected the ruins of Slavyansk. Pursuant to the attendance, [OSCE] will prepare a report, which will be provided to Kiev. According to a member of the OSCE monitoring group, Victor Likhachev:

Two short/long analyses by Mindfriedo

Two short/long analyses in one: Was the fall of Mosul good for the Shia militias? and Are the Sunnis/Wahabi tougher than the Shia? Till early 2014, the Americans were putting pressure on Maliki to reign in Shia militias. The argument was that they could destabilize his government, they were proxies of Iran, and were getting combat experience in Syria. The Iraqi government formed brigades like the Wolf (Being led by

Russia’s western frontier has become a desert

Warning: the following is not an analysis, it is a “cri du coeur” ! Looking at the photo of the three stooges oh so proud of having “prevailed” over that evil Russia I have very mixed feelings.  On one that, I have a sense of immense disgust.  No, not for the the Eurobureaucrats or for Poroshenko – they are true to character.  No, my disgust is directed at that sorry

June 27th IRAQ SITREP by Mindfriedo

26th June: Another 50 US advisors arrive in Baghdad taking the tally up to 180, of the legendary 300 promised. Hope they don’t face the same fate as the Spartans. 26th June: Main backers of the Sunni insurgency meet with their Godfather in Paris: 27th June: The Iraqi government releases a video showing Baiji refinery in government hands. Army spokesperson Qassim Atta: “ISIL militants who tried to approach the

Open Thread June 27th

I will be gone for the full day, so I leave you with an open thread (and *please* spare me the Nazi apologetics at least for today!) and this “wonderful” photo.  Kind regards, The Saker——- EU signs association with a Nazi regime.  Bravo!

A telling illustration about the real nature of the US-EU relationship

Dear friends, Very little is really known about the inner workings of the US-EU relationship and the corporate media only serves us the official and completely meaningless propaganda line. During the war in Korea, General MacArthur’s insane threats to use nuclear weapons did trigger something of an European revolt (unlike the US, Europe was well within reach of Soviet bombers, including those with nuclear weapons). Could the absolute insanity of

Got something possibly interesting in my mailbox

Dear friends, Today I want to share with you the contents of three emails which I got over the past couple of days.  My correspondent does not insist that this is a true story, only that it is potentially explosive and very interesting.  I would add that considering Sweden’s amazingly anti-Russian stance, that could be one possible explanation for it. I pass you the info “as is” with tons of

June 26th IRAQ SITREP by Mindfriedo

22nd June: Umaya Naji Jbara, the advisor to the governor of Tikrit was killed by a Daash sniper. She was holding a RPG at the time of death and had killed three fighters of Daash before she was martyred. 25th June: The airstrikes carried out on rebel positions around the town of Qaim were by the Syrian air force. Nouri al Maliki in an interview to the BBC stated that

On the Issue of Berezin’s Account of the Ukrainian Rape and Murder in the Village of Saurovka

On the Issue of Berezin’s Account of the Ukrainian Rape and Murder in the Village of Saurovka (and on the matter of the response by some readers of the Vineyard of the Saker Blog thereto) by Gleb Bazov First, apologies for the mayhem caused – it certainly was sufficient to provoke two response notes from you. And, for a good reason. My own initial reaction to Berezin’s “essay” (damn the
