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Joint Statement of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China on the International Relations Entering a New Era and the Global Sustainable Development

At the invitation of President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir V. Putin visited China on 4 February 2022. The Heads of State held talks in Beijing and took part in the opening ceremony of the XXIV Olympic Winter Games. The Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China, hereinafter referred to as the sides, state as follows. Today, the world is

A small comment about two very stupid notions (+ music video)

I was watching Russian TV yesterday, and here is (roughly) the exchange which took place between the host and one guest.  Here is what they both seemed to agree on: ——-begin nonsense——- Russia has a major problem.  She cannot really deter the USA.  Why?  For two reasons: Russia has truly retreated as far as she can, while the USA have an almost limitless room for maneuver.  The USA is under

Interlude: just a few comments on various issues + small video

First, I need to report a few things: Due to the current crisis, the blog’s readership has sharply risen. We have been contacted by enough excellent moderator candidates to fulfill all our needs. The Internet is literally exploding with speculations about tomorrow’s Putin-Xi meeting.  Frankly, I prefer to wait for some official information before offering any analyses, which means that, unless something dramatic already happens tomorrow, you can expect my

Russia is slowly dialing up the pain dial

It has begun.  Small stuff, but quite worth mentioning. The Belarusian military has taken control of a Ukie reconnaissance drone and forced it to land.  The Ukie ambassador was summoned.  Details here. Russia has banned the German propaganda outlet Deutsche Welle.  Here is a machine translation of the official announcement on the Russian Foreign Ministry’s website: On the content of response measures against the German media operating on the territory

The Year of the Tiger Starts with a Sino-Russian Bang

By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely crossposted The Year of the Black Water Tiger will start, for all practical purposes, with a Beijing bang this Friday, as Presidents Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin, after a live meeting before the initial ceremony of the Winter Olympics, will issue a joint statement on international relations. That will represent a crucial move in the Eurasia vs. NATOstan chessboard, as

Moveable Feast Cafe 2022/02/03 … Open Thread

2022/02/03 03:00:01Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for

Full text of Putin’s signed article for Xinhua: Russia and China: A Future-Oriented Strategic Partnership

  Vladimir Putin President of the Russian Federation On the eve of my upcoming visit to China, I am pleased to communicate directly with the Chinese and foreign audience of Xinhua, the largest news agency. Our countries are close neighbours bound by centuries-old traditions of friendship and trust. We highly appreciate that Russia-China comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination, entering a new era, has reached an unprecedented level and become a

The West’s two replies, just a few disjointed thoughts

Disclaimer: this is not an analysis, just a quick initial reaction. So we now have both replies. First, Lavrov was right, compared to the NATO reply, the US reply is a model of diplomatic propriety. One could be forgiven to think that while the US reply was written by US officials, the NATO reply was written by a Pole. Except it is quite obvious that NATO member states can’t even

Le Pen now wants in the euro & no Frexit – should the Left want her in?

By Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog I predict – along with nearly every poll made on the subject – that 2022 will see a repeat of the 2017 election in France: Marine Le Pen vs. Emmanuel Macron in the second round of April’s vote. Don’t be mistaken – so much has changed in 5 years! Remember these? “Two-speed solution for the European Union”, “Frexit”, “sortie de la zone euro!”

Russia’s 3 most important communications and responses in sequence

Posting these documents in a sequence of how they happened will assist in understanding one clear fact.  Russia has not stepped back one inch despite the flurry of so-called megaphone diplomacy tried at the UN in the last few days.  Neither has Russia changed her plans and strategy to bring the question of indivisible security to the forefront. Text of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Mr. Sergey Lavrov`s

The Triffin Dilemma and the Gold/Dollar Standard: Never made to last.

by Francis Lee for the Saker Blog There was always going to be a fundamental incompatibility of the dollar between the attainment of 1. An anchor currency for international trade fixed against gold at $35 per ounce, and 2. A single and flexible national currency for the internal economy of the US – the $. From the outset this dual mandate for the US$ was problematic. As a global reserve

Latest update from Banderastan zoo

Someone had an absolutely hilarious idea: to create a new alliance between the UK, Poland and the Ukraine.  By no coincidence at all, the acronym of this alliance spells out UPA, which in Russian (УПА) is the name given to Banderist “Ukrainian People’s Revolutionary Army” and/or “Ukrainian Insurgent Army“. This is great and makes everybody happy: For the Brits, this is a way to medicate their phantom pains about still

We need urgently moderators, please help!

Dear friend, We need your help.  One of our moderator had to reduce his moderation time for medical reasons while another had to leave for personal reasons.  Yet in the same time, the current crisis in the Ukraine has resulted in a major spike of visitors and, therefore, having moderators available 24/7 is really becoming crucial. Specifically, we need moderators for the following time slots: Sunday 9am – 4pm EST

Waiting for the military-technical

by Observer R for the Saker Blog BACKGROUND In December 2021, Russia delivered two letters to the United States concerning the Security Architecture of Europe—commonly known as the “Not-Ultimatum.” The United States provided a written response to Russia in January 2022. This response was kept secret at the request of the United States. However, the Russian foreign minister announced that the response only covered secondary items and did not address

High probability of a major false flag PSYOP in the Ukraine

A senior LDNR military official, Col. Edward Basurin, the Deputy Head of the DPR People’s Militia Department, has confirmed that a false flag PSYOP operation was prepared by western special services (please make sure to also check the article Lilia Shumkova wrote about this).  According to Basurin, we are talking about three separate video productions which will be prepared for release by the AngloZionist propaganda machine (aka “the free and
