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Peter Lavelle vs a typical CNN Presstitute

We have already seen Mark Sleboda vs a typical BBC Presstitute, today I bring you Peter Lavelle vs a typical CNN Presstitute.  I have to admit that I have been loathing the Ziomedia for many years and it has been close to 20 years since I tossed away my TV, stopped reading the papers, stopped listening to Neocon Public Radio and basically fully switched to the Internet for news and

July 23rd Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo: Fighting all around

Quote of the day, Ron Dermer, Israeli envoy to the United States: The Nobel Peace Prize should be given to Israeli forces for their “unimaginable restraint” in their offensive against the blockaded Gaza Strip Thought of the Day: Yes we can! 23rd July: A deputy of the Imam Ali (as) shrine in Najaf, Zuhair Shurba, expressed the willingness and desire of the shrine to host Christian families dispossessed by Daash

Great news! The Saker Blog now also in German

Dear friends, It is with a huge joy and honor for me to announce that today a group of fantastic friends has launched the German language version of this blog. Here is their announcement: ALLE UNSERE DEUTSCHEN FREUNDEkoennen jetzt den blog des Sakers auf Deutsch lesen – bitte hier anklicken: Wir suchen noch freiwillige Mitarbeiter zum Uebersetzen – bitte schreibt an: Just like the Russian and French version,

The most pathetic case of backpedaling I have seen in my life

Check out this story by AP and compare the lame, pathetic and self-evident nonsense of these so-called “intelligence officials” offer with the hard fact based presentation of the Russian Air Force Chief of Staff.Here is the full article with my comments in blue. WASHINGTON (AP) — Senior U.S. intelligence officials said Tuesday that Russia was responsible for “creating the conditions” that led to the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight

July 22nd Nigeria SITREP (Boko Haram) by Fulan Nasrullah

Dear friends, Today I have the pleasure to announce a new regular feature on this blog, a weekly SITREP about the Boko Haram movement and the conflict in Nigeria which has potential regional consequences.  This weekly SITREP will be written by ‘Fulan Nasrullah’, an ex-intelligence analyst and private intelligence contractor who is now an Imam of the Ahlus-Sunnah Wal-Jamaa’ah/Salafiyyah of Sunni Islam and a resident of Northern Nigeria.  No doubt,

Opening remarks of Vladimir Putin at the Russian Security Council meeting

Note: normally the meetings of the Russian Security Council are held behind closed doors.  This time, however, the press was allowed in just to record the beginning of the opening remarks of Vladimir Putin.  Then the press was asked to leave.  Clearly, this is intended as a message to the Russian people.  I have bolded out the part which appear the most important to me. The Saker ——-Good afternoon, colleagues.

July 22nd Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo: A normal day in Iraq

Quote of the Day, the bringer of Peace, the great hope of the Arabs, the destroyer of WMD, the remover of tyrants, and the liberator of oil, Tony Blair: I spend two-thirds of my time on unpaid work Thought of the day: Does he mean unpaid or unpunished? Second Quote of the day, Ban Ki Moon: I saw Hamas rockets hitting Israel! It is very sad! No more thoughts for

Mark Sleboda vs a typical BBC Presstitute

Dear Mark,I want to use this opportunity to send you a sincere big bear of a hug!  Your replies were perfect.  I also want to express here my admiration for your restraint.  We both know that for you and I each death, each person wounded in this ugly war is a wound on our soul, but for that BBC presstitute it’s just an opportunity to make yet another snide comments

What Makes Strelkov Feel “Melancholy” – Military-Political Situation Report, July 20, 2014

Note: this article is dated July 20th because it took 2 days to translate it. I think that this is a *must read* for all those who wonder about the nature of the ugle behind-the-scenes infighting between various Russian groups about the future of Novorussia. A huge “thank you!!!” to all those who helped translate this most interesting text. The Saker——-What Makes Strelkov Feel “Melancholy” – Military-Political Situation Report, July

July 22nd combat SITREP by Juan

1. Donetsk, Lugansk and surrounding towns and villages being bombarded ceaselessly by Uke forces using every weapon in their possession, Grad, Hurricane, Tornado and Smerch MLRS and arty up to 20.3 cm. 2. In last 4 days over 300 civilians in the aforementioned areas have been killed and a like number and more wounded. Civilian and industrial areas completely devoid of any Army of Novorossiya facilities and troops are targeted

Why I removed the post about RT’s DDoS

Dear friends, I decided to remove the post about the DDoS attack on RT because while the outage appears to be real, the claim from AntiLeaks I mentioned was old. Since the post was written with that claim assumed to be current there was no way to only correct the post. I will keep you posted if I find out more details about what happened yesterday. My apologies for the screw-up. The Saker 

From Gaza to Donetsk

I spent most of the day recovering from my latest flu (feeling better today, thanks) and watching the latest news.  And I noticed that the footage coming out of Gaza and Novorussia was almost identical. RT just showed some families bathing in a lake near Donetsk who had to run for their lives because the Ukrainian Nazis decided to launch an artillery strike on the lake (go figure).  Then the

July 21st Iraq SITREP: Bloody Monday

Quote of the day, Bhadrakumar on the Malaysian Plane Tragedy: The alacrity with which Obama scrambled to take early lead in the propaganda war over Moscow on Ukraine almost makes it appear he was expecting such a horrendous tragedy to happen Thought of the day: Pity Sherlock Holmes did not have a case called the “dog that barked before the crime” 20th July: Government air strikes on Daash held Hawija

The Russian military finally speaks!

Finally!  The Russian military has decided to speak out about some of what it knows about what happened to MH17.  It was a typical Russian event: the interpreters were nothing short of *terrible* (I speak as a former military interpreter myself), the visual aids were badly designed (the shape of a SU-24 bomber was used to represent a totally different SU-25 close air support aircraft), and there was no Q&A. 

Just a thought, not even a hypothesis

A number of bloggers and media outlets have suggested that maybe the Ukies had tried to down President Putin’s Il-96-300PU which externally looks like a Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777.  I am frankly dubious.  Yes, the junta in Kiev is evil and crazy, but not suicidal and such an attack is an act of war which would trigger an absolutely devastating retaliation from Russia.  Besides, even though their liveries look similar,

July 20th Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo: Exodus

20th July: The Iraqi Security Forces have opened up another from against Daash and are now making a push westwards towards Fallujah. The army claims that “98% of Ramadi is now clear of terrorists.” 20th July: Maliki calls on the world to unite against Daash after the exodus of Christians in Mosul. He claims that the “true face” of the rebels is apparent and that there are genuine rebels, just

A few questions worth looking into

Dear friends,I am still sick, so I cannot write much, but I am listening to interviews and reading analytical reports.  I have a couple of questions I would love to get answers to:1) did the Ukie ATC ever explain why MH17 was told to take a route to the north of the normal route and at a lower altitude?2) does anybody know if the transponder of MH17 continued working up
