
Follow up to my post about the roots and nature of Ukrainian nationalism

Dear friends, As, I promised, I am now going to reply to some of your comments concerning my recent post about the roots and nature of Ukrainian nationalism.  First, I thought of replying to your comments one by one, and then I changed my mind.  I think that there are some general and recurrent topics which I need to address because they are mentioned several times.  That would save space

Putin puts troops in western Russia on alert in drill

Reuters reports: President Vladimir Putin ordered an urgent drill to test the combat readiness of the armed forces across western Russia on Wednesday, flexing Moscow’s military muscle amid tension with the West over Ukraine. Putin has ordered several such surprise drills in different Russian regions since he returned to the presidency in 2012, saying the military must be kept on its toes, but the crisis in neighboring Ukraine gave them

Now that is weird coincidence!

Check out what I just found in my mailbox: Uh?  Am I suffering from Déjà vu?!I though that this was Madeleine Albright’s story…  Quick check – yes it was!  Second check – wow, its true for Kerry too.  Again?!  WTF?!Don’t these top officials undergo a very extensive FBI clearance process before being nomination for that kind of top positions?  How could they not know something as basic has their family

Meet the (real) new authorities in the Ukraine, example #1 (UPDATED!)

Forget Klitchko, Iatseniuk, Tiagnibok or Tymoshenko. Though they all have some degree of popular support, what they don’t have is power. The real authorities in the Ukraine is the so-called “Right Sector”, their leader, Dmytro Yarosh, and his brownshirts. This video shows the reaction of one of these gentlemen, a certain Alexander Muzychka aka “Sashko Bilyi”, a veteran of the war against Russia in Chechnia, addressing a meeting the administration

Will NATO annex Ukraine?

by Pepe Escobar Anyone who believes Washington is deeply enamored of ‘democracy’ in Ukraine must hit eBay, where Saddam Hussein’s WMDs have been found, and are on sale to the highest bidder. Or pay attention to the non-denial denials of the Obama administration, which swears on a daily basis there’s no ‘proxy war’ or Cold War redux in Ukraine. In a nutshell; Washington’s bipartisan Ukraine policy has always been anti-Moscow.

Sochi Olympics end in a huge success for Russia and Putin

Yes, today the Sochi Olympics ended in a huge success for Russia and President Putin.  And no, I don’t mean the medal count (even though it was a total triumph for Russian athletes: 33 medals, including 13 gold, 11 silver and 9 bronze).  I mean the fact that no terrorist attack succeed in disrupting these games and that even though the list of sophisticated and determined forces wanting an attack

Personal announcement – I will try to take a few days off

Dear friends,I am frankly exhausted by the last few days in which I have used all my (so-called) “free time” to parse through the immense stream of often contradictory information coming out of the Ukraine while trying to make sense of it all.  I really would need a few days to take care of personal and family issues which I have neglected.  So for the next couple of days, and

Deconstructing Yanukovich’s treason (and Yulia on her way to freedom!)

So it is done. Yanukovich has fully capitulated. He has signed a deal with the insurgents which, according to the BBC, includes the following provisions: The 2004 constitution will be restored within 48 hours, and a national unity government will be formed within 10 days Constitutional reform balancing the powers of president, government and parliament will be started immediately and completed by September A presidential election will be held after

High level consultations between Russia and Crimea while Kharkov authorities prepare for the worst

Russian news sources are reporting the President Putin has chaired a meeting of the Security Council of Russia, the highest national security advisory board to the Russian President tasked with coordinating national security policies.  The SCR heard a report by the Chairman of the State Duma, Sergei Naryshkin, and the Chairwoman of the Federation Council, Valentina Matvienko, about their consultations with Vladimir Konstantinov, the Chairman of the Supreme Council of

Justice “European style” or how EU politicians have lost any sense of self-respect

The EU is really terminally degenerate.  These two pearls come off the BBC website at the same time: EU imposes Ukraine sanctions after deadly Kiev clashes (which the EU blames entirely on the government, nevermind that 13 unarmed cops were murdered by sniper fire overnight) Germany arrests three suspected Auschwitz guards (the three arrested men are 88, 92 and 94 and had therefore to be brought to a prison hospital)

First evidence of assault-rifle and sniper rifles use by government forces

This is probably yet another case of way too little and way too late, but I suppose that this is better than nothing. It is, however, still pathetic that it took 13 dead policemen killed by opposition snipers to finally convince the regime to deploy counter-sniper teams. Let’s hope that Yanukovich will not condemn these guys tomorrow morning and blame the violence on them (like he did with the Berkut

Kiev: 13 policemen killed by sniper fire

According to the very latest news, 13 policemen have been killed by sniper fire.  The insurgents are storming the Parliament which is being evacuated.  The Internal Ministry has announced that the police forces will be allowed to use firearms to defend their lives.In Kiev stores and office buildings are being looted and set on fire.In the meantime in Lvov and Zhitomir the local government offices have been stormed and take

Speech delivered by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah marking the anniversary of the Martyr Leaders on Sunday February 16, 2014.

I take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Peace be on the Seal of prophets, our Master and Prophet, Abi Al Qassem Mohammad and on his chaste and pure Household and on his chosen companions and on all messengers and prophets. Peace be upon you and Allah’s mercy and blessings. First, I salute the souls of the Martyr Leaders
