
Dieudonne’s music video and an appeal to French speakers (updated)

Dieudonne and his wife have made a small music video together which Dieudo put at the end of his latest web appearance.  I want to share this video with you: Since Gallier2 has kindly translated the lyrics in a recent comment (merci l’ami!), I will also share that here: A new wind blows over the planet, wind of renewal, it’s the wind of hope.the one that makes the branches of

State repression in France only makes the Resistance grow stronger

Last November I wrote a piece entitled “Is a new revolution quietly brewing in France?” in which I described struggle which was taking place between the French people and the Zionist plutocracy which has ruled France over the past decades (roughly since 1969) and today I am returning to this topic as events have rapidly accelerated and taken a sharp turn for the worse.  A number of most interesting things

Another counter-example: Justice Minister Elena Lukash

I just wanted to also mention another interesting counter-example of resistance to the mob: Ukrainian Justice Minister Elena Lukash who, when her ministry was invaded by armed rioters went on TV and issued an ultimatum: either leave the ministry or I will introduce martial law. Elena Lukash The mob withdrew.The Ukrainian government denied that it was considering introducing martial law.Typical.Nevertheless, this goes to show that the these rampaging mobs are

A very interesting counter-example: Energy Minister Eduard Savitskii

Something really interesting happened on Sunday in Kiev.  As several times before, a group of about one hundred rioters stormed the building of the Energy Ministry which is located close to the Maidan square and city center.  The heavily armed rioters rapidly overcome the building’s security service (which had orders not to shoot) and penetrated into the building which they immediately began to tear about.  Then something really interesting happened:

City of Sevastopol officials are threatening to create their own sovereign state

According to the Regnum news agency the Sevastopol City State Administration is threatening to break-away from the Ukraine and create a “Federal State of Ruthenia/Small-Russia”.  Here is a rough and quick translation of the article: The Chairman of the Sevastopol City State Administration Volodymyr Yatsuba appealed to citizens in connection with what is happening in the country, and especially in its western regions, the correspondent of IA REGNUM reports.   Yatsuba

Yanukovich’s latest move might make a partition of the Ukraine unavoidable

In my past articles about the Ukraine (see here, here, here and here) and in many posts in the comments section I have expressed my complete disgust with Yanukovich whom I see as absolutely immoral, weak, stupid and corrupt.  Every move he has made so far has only strengthened my absolute loathing for this man whose role in igniting the current chaos in the Ukraine cannot be overstated.  But I

CrossTalk: Kiev Burning

Alexander Mercouris and Mark Sleboda make minced meat out of Anders Aslund.  And just for the record, keep in mind that “from November 1991 to January 1994, Åslund worked as a senior advisor to the Russian reform government under President Boris Yeltsin and Acting Prime Minister Yegor Gaidar. He worked also with Deputy Prime Ministers Anatoly Chubais” (Wikipedia).  So that “democrat” was hard at work for democracy while Russia was

Two Ukraine-related items

First, this is an pic of a list of cities in the Ukraine were nationalists have stormed local government buildings (some attacks were successful, other were not).  Sure looks to me like one more step towards a civil war:   2nd, for context, here is an interesting report on how such revolutions are prepared: (thanks to J. for sending this to me!!)

Images of the coup attempt in Kiev

This from the BBC: Ukrainian opposition leaders have issued an ultimatum to President Viktor Yanukovych, after talks failed to resolve the political stalemate. Vitali Klitschko said he would lead pro-EU protesters “on the attack” in the capital, Kiev, if the government refused to call snap elections. Prime Minister Mykola Azarov said compromises “might be possible”, but the opposition should avoid ultimatums. Notice the difference in tone? Opposition: ultimatum, attackRegime: compromise,

The center of Kiev is in flames

This is a picture taken off a live stream from the Grushevski street in the center of Kiev at 10:45EST today: The riot police has only been given the right to use water cannons, teargas and flash-bang grenades.  In the meantime, the cops are burned alive by Molotov cocktails and the US is introducing sanctions against “Ukrainian officials responsible for the violence in the center of Kiev”.The Saker

“They” are insulting our intelligence (again) and “we” deserve it!

It just happens that a group of lawyers make a report on human rights in Syria.  It just happens that they had previously done the same in the former Yugoslavia.  It just happens that their report is based on one single and anonymous source.  It just happens that this anonymous source claims to have been employed by the Syrian regime to, you guessed it, make photos of dead bodies.  It

Foreign Minister Lavrov’s press conference today (in English)

As always, Lavrov makes a brilliant case for his point of view.  I still think that Russia made a major mistake, but I can’t help liking Lavrov a lot and finding him absolutely brilliant.  I hope that he has some kind of game-plan I am not aware of.It’s a long press conference, but at least listen to his reply to the first question as it is about Syria and his

Foreign Minister Lavrov – “A mistake – but not a disaster”

This is what Lavrov said today in reaction to the disinvitation of Iran: “this is a mistake, but not a disaster”.  He also pointed out that Iran had been disinvited for saying exactly the same thing as Russia: that Geneva I could not be “interpreted” as mandating Assad’s departure.  And then he added: “so what, they are going to disinvite us next?  this is crazy!”.Guys, I am sorry, but Russia

Under US pressure UN “disinvites” Iran from Geneva II talks – what will Russia and Syria do now?

OMG – it happened: Under US pressure UN “disinvites” Iran from Geneva II talks.  Now that is a direct challenge to Russia which logically should cancel its participation to the conference.  Syria, I believe should do the same.Screw them.  This is a farce and neither Syria nor Russia should agree to participate in a farce organized by the side which lost the war.  I hope that Assad and Putin will

Ugly storm clouds are gathering over the Ukraine and Russia

Yesterday some very serious riots took place in Kiev.  The Yanukovich government has passed a new law which attempts to restrict the kind of rioting the Ukraine has seen in the past months, and the response of the rioters was a full scale assault on the riot police.  What I find the most appalling is that the government is ordering the riot cops to just stand there and hold their

Iran is officially invited to participate at Geneva 2, but everything else remains unclear (UPDATED 2x!)

It took a lot of zigs and zags, but eventually common sense seemed to have prevailed and the UN has officially announced that Iran will be invited as a full participant to the Geneva 2 conference.  The Obama Administration should probably commended for being rational and not gone down the insane road of trying to negotiate something in Syria without inviting Iran.  Most of the credit in this case goes
