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Saker Analyses and Interviews

Russian Duma ratifies the recognition of the LDNR (OPEN THREAD)

The Russian Duma has ratified with recognition of the LDNR UNANIMOUSLY! The Parliaments from the LDNR did likewise. Putin has confirmed that Russia recognizes the LDNR within the borders defined in their (the LDNR’s) constitutions.  In other words, the full size of the LNR and DNR republics. There were a few terrorist attacks overnight, with a few casualties, but so far no full-scale invasion attempt by the Ukies.  Let’s hope

Russia recognition of the LDNR – a few initial thoughts

I listened to the full Russian Security Council meeting, then to Putin’s address to the nation, then the signing of the the treaties on cooperation and mutual support. The first thing which I want to point out is that this was a very carefully orchestrated event, and I don’t just mean today’s live meetings and signing.  For those of us who follow Russian politics very closely there can be no

What are Putin and Macron up to?

This is the big RT headline: Putin and Macron agree on measures to halt escalation in Ukraine. Here is a machine translation of the official French statement: Telephone interview with Vladimir PUTIN, President of the Russian Federation. The President of the Republic held a telephone conversation with the President of the Russian Federation, Mr. Vladimir PUTIN, on Sunday, February 20. They agreed on the following points : – the resumption

Evening update about the Donbass (Feb. 20th 00:00 MSK)

First, here is a machine translation of a summary of developments by Boris Rozhin: 1. The standard positional war with shelling continued on the front line today. The UAF recognized 2 dead and 4 wounded in a day. They also showed a staged race of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine against the background of artillery shelling. The frontline settlements of the DPR and LPR were

Donbass war – quick update

The intelligence service of the Donetsk People’s Republic have released the following map and claim that this is the Ukrainian plan of attack against the LDNR: The Colonel Cassad website has posted a summary of what this plan includes. Here is a machine translation of this text: The secret service intelligence of the People’s Militia of the DPR has obtained a plan for a Ukrainian offensive operation against Independent Republics,

I just listened to Sleepy Joe

What a weird press conference that was!  Besides assuring the world that Putin has decided to attack over the next few days The West is 100’000% united, and then some! Biden said nothing even remotely new or even vaguely interesting. The only “novelty” was that Biden said that he was now sure that Putin has taken the decision to invade the Ukraine. Did you ever hear the expression “it’s not

Russian options in the LDNR – my personal take

Okay, this will be a short bulletpoint reminder of how I see the Russian position and options in response to the Ukronazi attack. First, a few key assumptions: Russia does not want to invade/liberate the Ukraine Russia would prefer not to get openly involved in the LDNR The best outcome for Russia would be for the LDNR to be able to hold without overt Russian support Throughout this entire battle,

The Ukronazis are on the offensive (OPEN THREAD)

Dear friends, The civilians of the LDNR are being evacuated from the towns near the LOC (line of contact). The Ukies are bombing the LDNR with artillery and mortar fire along the full LOC. The city of Gorlovka has lost power.  The city is under tank fire.  The only road between Donetsk and Gorlovka is under Ukronazi fire. The cities of Dokuchaevsk,  Staromikhailovka and Belaia Kamenka are under mortar attack.

Escalation in the Donbass – OPEN THREAD CONTINUED

It was quite a day today, and something tells me that tomorrow won’t be boring either. I will be able to get to my keyboard tomorrow late morning (EST). Until then, I leave you with an open thread. Not just to vent or post “stream of consciousness” kind of posts. Please try to limit comments to NEWS FROM THE LDNR and MAJOR POLITICAL DEVELOPMENTS. Thank you, Andrei

Urgent Warning: “Russian” websites are being disconnected! (UPDATED)

Dear friends, “Russian” websites in/from the LDNR are being disconnected by US IT giants. The Russian Foreign Ministry seems to be under DDoS attack. If we come under attack too, then the first quick alternative I recommend is to check the old website, here: If this one is also disconnected, we have a few other options we cannot discuss now. If that happens, I will use the following Telegram

The insanity resumes full blast (next date of invasion: Feb 20th!) UPDATED!

You think I am kidding? Nope!  See for yourself: In other news, Pavel Klimkin, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, declared that “the Ukraine won a battle, but not the war yet“. The US spokescreature Ned Price declared that the US now sees more, not fewer, Russian forces along the border than before.  He added the invasion could happen “anytime”. Both of Germany and the USA have declared that there

So, as predicted, absolutely *nothing* has happened (OPEN THREAD)

As always, the Western “free and democratic” media has proven two things: It will parrot whatever “message” the US PSYOPs want it to parrot It lies with a quasi perfect record I suppose, now we are going to hear about how the “western resolve” stopped Putin in his tracks. We need to remember that the window for a false flag attack has not closed yet. So while we can all

If I did not know this is for real…

… I would think that this is some anti-US spoof, based on listening to the most discredited cliches about the USA and the kind of people who run it.  It had everything, frantic flagwaving, hilarious hyperbole, Biden trying to look like Dubya who, himself, was always squinting  his yes à la John Wayne hoping to look like some Sheriff at OK Corral.  It also had all the mantric repetition of

Tomorrow will be a big day (even if nothing happens!)

For starters, a quick reminder here is what the Anglo propaganda machine claims: Okay, then one of two things will happen tomorrow: Option 1: nothing happens Option 2: something happens Option 1: If nothing happens, then, as Lavrov has spelled out recently, the Biden Administration will have to declare that “led by the glorious and invincible USA, and fully united against the Russian aggression, the West has deterred Putin from

The great exodus of the defenders of the Independent Ukraine

All the glorious wannabe defenders of the Independent Ukraine are all on the run.  Literally.  Rumors include that airlines are not insured to fly in Ukie airspace, over 30 oligarchs have already evacuated in their private jets, western embassies are running from Kiev to Lvov, the media publishes invasion maps almost every day, western officials seems to think that the invasion is for tomorrow or Wednesday, folks from the OSCE

Sources in English to use during my short absence

Dear friends, The entire western media is in a full hysterical pitch about an imminent Russian attack.  Embassies and non-critical personnel are being evacuated by most embassies of US colonies in the EU (and beyond, the Japanese are, apparently, also evacuating).  Even though that self same media has promised us a Russian invasion for months and even years, this time around they seem to be even more hysterical than usual.
