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Saker Analyses and Interviews

A few assorted news about what is taking place

Foreign Secretary Liz Truss is visiting Moscow.  She met with Lavrov.  The meeting failed to produce anything.  Considering that Truss is this genius who rides around in tanks but does not know that the Baltic States are not on the Black Sea, that is hardly a surprise.  The fact that she refused to consider Voronezh and Rostov as part of Russia was about the only surprise of that meeting (her

Revisiting Russia’s 5th and, especially, 6th columns (UPDATED)

First, the easy one.  Russia has a typical 5th column: pro-western “liberals”, assorted agents of influence, nostalgic of the 90s (when they could plunder Russia as much as they wanted), Washington Consensus types, folks who hate Russia (for whatever reason) and dream of the day Russia will break apart, etc. etc. etc.  They are, objectively, agents of influence for the western PSYOPs.  I coined the term “Atlantic Integrationists” because, at

Unpacking the Russian-Chinese joint statement

Introduction: First things first, this is a very long statement (5300 words).  It is also an extremely important one since it deals primarily with grand strategy issues (it discusses the “whats” not the “hows”).  To put it succinctly, this is a common vision of the future shared between Russia and China.  It is therefore also a common goal setting document.  Considering its scope and objective, this is most definitely a

Putin Xi summit – please post any incoming information

There is so much info (good and bad) about the Putin Xi summit that I decided to create this informational thread. Please try to prioritize sharing factual information and please refrain from 1) offering opinions (it is too early to analyze anything) and 2) making predictions (it is too early to predict anything). Thank you Andrei CLARIFICATION: the point of this post is ONLY to collect facts.  Not options, not

A small comment about two very stupid notions (+ music video)

I was watching Russian TV yesterday, and here is (roughly) the exchange which took place between the host and one guest.  Here is what they both seemed to agree on: ——-begin nonsense——- Russia has a major problem.  She cannot really deter the USA.  Why?  For two reasons: Russia has truly retreated as far as she can, while the USA have an almost limitless room for maneuver.  The USA is under

Interlude: just a few comments on various issues + small video

First, I need to report a few things: Due to the current crisis, the blog’s readership has sharply risen. We have been contacted by enough excellent moderator candidates to fulfill all our needs. The Internet is literally exploding with speculations about tomorrow’s Putin-Xi meeting.  Frankly, I prefer to wait for some official information before offering any analyses, which means that, unless something dramatic already happens tomorrow, you can expect my

Russia is slowly dialing up the pain dial

It has begun.  Small stuff, but quite worth mentioning. The Belarusian military has taken control of a Ukie reconnaissance drone and forced it to land.  The Ukie ambassador was summoned.  Details here. Russia has banned the German propaganda outlet Deutsche Welle.  Here is a machine translation of the official announcement on the Russian Foreign Ministry’s website: On the content of response measures against the German media operating on the territory

The West’s two replies, just a few disjointed thoughts

Disclaimer: this is not an analysis, just a quick initial reaction. So we now have both replies. First, Lavrov was right, compared to the NATO reply, the US reply is a model of diplomatic propriety. One could be forgiven to think that while the US reply was written by US officials, the NATO reply was written by a Pole. Except it is quite obvious that NATO member states can’t even

Latest update from Banderastan zoo

Someone had an absolutely hilarious idea: to create a new alliance between the UK, Poland and the Ukraine.  By no coincidence at all, the acronym of this alliance spells out UPA, which in Russian (УПА) is the name given to Banderist “Ukrainian People’s Revolutionary Army” and/or “Ukrainian Insurgent Army“. This is great and makes everybody happy: For the Brits, this is a way to medicate their phantom pains about still

We need urgently moderators, please help!

Dear friend, We need your help.  One of our moderator had to reduce his moderation time for medical reasons while another had to leave for personal reasons.  Yet in the same time, the current crisis in the Ukraine has resulted in a major spike of visitors and, therefore, having moderators available 24/7 is really becoming crucial. Specifically, we need moderators for the following time slots: Sunday 9am – 4pm EST

High probability of a major false flag PSYOP in the Ukraine

A senior LDNR military official, Col. Edward Basurin, the Deputy Head of the DPR People’s Militia Department, has confirmed that a false flag PSYOP operation was prepared by western special services (please make sure to also check the article Lilia Shumkova wrote about this).  According to Basurin, we are talking about three separate video productions which will be prepared for release by the AngloZionist propaganda machine (aka “the free and

The Great Western Wall vs Snow Niggers

You know about the Great Wall of China, right?  But have you ever heard of the Great Western Wall? That is the immense wall which was built around the minds of the people of the West for the past 1000 or so years.  I will try to describe it using a few salient examples, but what I want to clearly state here is that these examples are only some I

Panic and chaos is clearly setting in as the West fears peace above all else

Fun headlines for CNN: US and Ukraine at odds over threat of Russian invasion US and UK embassy withdrawals were a “mistake,” says Ukrainian president What??  Is that really CNN? It is. Furthermore, there are reports that Biden and Ze had a stormy telephone conversation which saw a furious Biden telling Ze that the invasion would happen.  Apparently, Ze disagreed. So what is going on here???? Bernard at Moon of

Now is the time to give time to time

Yes, the Russians have received a written reply from the US and NATO. However, the actual documents have not been leaked yet (but, of course, they will). Lavrov has said that there are some substantive aspects, but key Russian demands have not been met.  He reminded that all OSCE member states, including the USA, that they all have signed the Istanbul Declaration of 1999 and and the Astana Declaration of

Reassessing LDNR military capabilities

There is a lot of misunderstanding about the current tensions around the eastern Ukraine, so we have everything, anything and its opposite.  All presented with great gravitas as undisputed facts.  I won’t deal with all of these facts here, but I will address a few misconceptions. But first, a caveat.  What follows is a much over-simplified model and the reality of tactics, operational art and strategy involves much more complexity. 

Tuesday morning headlines (a little change of tone or not?)

A few more links here, and amongst the many similar to yesterday’s, I decided to single out some possibly different ones: NATO member will withdraw troops in event of war with Russia – president Russia may not be poised to invade Ukraine – Pentagon Germany has ‘betrayed’ Ukraine – Kiev mayor No threat of immediate Russian attack on Ukraine – EU Oleksiy Danilov informed about the results of the NSDC

Monday morning headlines (open thread)

US, European Stock Markets Tumble at Opening As Tensions Rise Around Ukraine NATO Sends Additional Ships, Fighter Jets to Eastern Europe Amid Ukraine Tensions White House discussed plans to send up to 50,000 troops to Eastern Europe NATO announces major new deployment US Navy displays 2 supercarriers in Philippine Sea drill Chinese Air Force alarms Taiwan with massive flyby NATO Puts Forces On Standby, Deploys More Jets & Ships –

Is there a deal being prepared behind the scenes?

I have to admit that when I heard that the US has no intention of giving the Russians anything in writing I began wondering whether it even made sense for Lavrov to fly to Geneva.  Yet, Lavrov thought otherwise and flew to the Swiss city.  The outcome?  Meh… The US wants another week to prepare a written reply.  Okay, that is some kind of result and I suppose that, considering

The Saker blog and its ranking compared to others :-)

As I have said many many times, I don’t care one bit about the amount of people who read the Saker blog.  I do care only about the quality of the readership, not its quantity.  Simply put: I want to reach the right people.  Besides, since I have no ads, no pop-ups, no special memberships, no for pay only articles, etc.  the number of visitors also makes no difference to
