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Nuland’s Plan For The Balkans (And How It Can Dramatically Backfire) – Part II

by Andrew Korybko PART II: Nuland’s Plan For The Balkans (And How It Can Dramatically Backfire) (Please read Part I before this article) Having laid out Nuland’s vision for the Balkans, it’s now time to reverse her processes and show how some of them can be wittily co-opted to liberate the region from unipolar control. The article will address each of the three themes that Nuland spoke upon and highlight

Afghanistan Map of War update for July 17-20

(for the large high resolution map please click here: SouthFront commentary: With your support SouthFront has released the second article of the Afghanistan Map of War Series, July 17-20, 2015. See Afghanistan Map of War, July 13-16, 2015 for additional information about the developments in the region. Help produce interesting content and join our struggle by donating via PayPal: or via: The Taliban is taking the Faryab province, it

Community news: Sheikh Imran Hosein needs help & SouthFront is censured (again!)

Dear friends, I have two things to report today: First, Sheikh Imran Hosein has had his book “Jerusalem in the Qur’an” (69’000 words) translated to Russian and he now is looking for somebody to check this text for errors.  Considering all the kind support our community has received from the Sheikh I would be delighted if a member of our community would agree to help him with this important task. 

Nuland’s Plan For The Balkans (And How It Can Dramatically Backfire) – Part I

by Andrew Korybko PART I: Nuland’s Plan For The Balkans (And How It Can Dramatically Backfire) US regime change expert and architect of regional destabilization, Victoria Nuland, recently paid a visit to the Balkans to preach the oft-repeated gospel of Euro-Atlantic integration. Her trip comes at a time when the region is experiencing a spike in geostrategic significance , having emerged at the forefront of the New Cold War between

Zakharchenko, Deinego and Pushilin have set a trap for Poroshenko

Top Novorussian officials from the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics (Zakharchenko, Deinego and Pushilin) have held a joint press conference and officially announced that they had taken the unilateral decision to withdraw by no less than 3km from the line of contact all their weapons up to a 100mm caliber (weapons of a heavier caliber were supposed to have already been withdrawn according to the Minsk-2 Agreement (M2A); the Novorussians complied,

Givi dances to Cossack traditional music

Three nice videos:  the first one has Givi dancing at his birthday party and since the tune he is dancing to is a modernized version of a traditional Cossack song, I added a second video with footage of the Russian military with a Russian-Chechen interpretation of the same song.  The last video is the original Cossack version (which then repeats the “Russian-Chechen” version).   Enjoy!

Yemen Map of War, July 14-17, 2015

This map was made by my brother in arms at SouthFront. To see the full size high resolution map, click here: The new exclusive series “Map of Wars” is released due to your support. Help produce interesting content and join our struggle by donating via PayPal: or via: The Saudi victory announcement against the al Houthis in Aden is premature though there are signs that the al

Afghanistan Map of War, July 13-16, 2015

Dear friends, My brothers-in-arms at South Front are now offering a new product: Map of Wars.  The first one is the July 13-16 Map of Afghanistan which they have sent me today.  On the page they are offering this map they are also making an appeal for donations which I would like to support: Please go here to help them: I would just add that SouthFront has been supplying

Ukraine SITREP July 16th, 2015 by Scott

Ukraine I must admit that my trusted sources of information on the situation in Novorossia and Ukraine suddenly stopped functioning, or got shutdown by FB, twitter, and VK. It might be due to lack of funding. I’m in a process of searching for new sources. 1. Israeli-made air-to-air missile may have downed MH17 – report [Source] However, the legal assault on Russia continues with the $900mil lawsuit filed in the

Victoria Nuland buries Minsk-2 and visits a musical zoo in Kiev

Oh the grandeur of the Empire’s foreign policy!  Victoria Nuland flew to Kiev and, immediately, the impact of her presence was felt. First, Poroshenko presented a law which really gave no special autonomy for the Donbass and which was never discussed with the representatives of the DNR and LNR.  In other words, the USA gave its imprimatur to the official and finally burial of Minsk-2. Then Victoria Nuland visited the
