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Afghanistan Map of War, July 20-27, 2015

(for the large high-resolution map please click here) The “Maps of the War” series is released  due to your support. Help produce interesting content and join our struggle by donating via PayPal: or via: The Kabul government is preparing for a big advance in northern Afghanistan. National Security Forces have been involved in intense clashes with the Taliban in 7 provinces. At the moment security forces have gained round

Reorganization of the SITREPs

Dear friends, You probably have noticed that the daily SITREPs have been coming in with some irregularity recently.  This is due to the fact that two of my research assistants – Raskolnikova and Duff – have had to stop their activities.   One of them is facing some personal difficulties while the other one has simply disappeared.  The good news is that Scott will now become my senior researcher and Baaz,

Ukraine SITREP July 24th, 2015 by Scott

Interesting linguistic developments. I have always wanted to create a new Russian word. Those of you who speak Russian are aware that it’s not really that difficult. However, you can’t force this process. When the situation is right, a new word just comes out of your mouth naturally. The Ukrainian crisis gives people very many situations that are ideal for the birth of new words and expressions. If everything else

The Russia-U.S. Conventional Military Balance

This column was written for the Unz Review: In a recent column for the Unz Review I wrote that “under any conceivable scenario Russia does have the means to basically completely destroy the USA as a country in about 30min (the USA, of course, can do the same to Russia). Any US war planner would have to consider the escalatory potential of any military action against Russia.” This still

Novorossiya militiaman singing “Ballad of the Struggle” by Vysotsky [ENG subs]

Today Tatzhit Mikhailovich posted on his Youtube channel the “Ballad about Struggle” or “Bаллада о Bорьбе” of the famous Russian bard Vladimir Vysotskii.  This song literally changed my life.  I heard it for the first time when I was 17, it was played for me by a guy who ended up changing my life.  He quoted Ivan Solonevich to me and said “there are times in a country’s history when

Kiev is in a stalemate

by Rostislav Ischenko source: translation: Alena Scarecrow On July 21st in Minsk there was held another regular meeting of the contact group devoted to settling the Ukrainian conflict. It resulted in reaching an agreement on the withdrawal of tanks and weapons of up to 100 mm caliber from the delimitation line. The corresponding document was drawn out – however, not signed. As for the political issues, the parties once

Ukraine SITREP July 22nd, 2015 by Scott

Ukraine Kiev regime armed forces operation to put the end to the Right Sector The prevailing understanding amongst the brightest Ukrainian political analysts is that the “Kremlin controlled” Right Sector is destabilizing the situation in the country. Yet another version states that it’s “Putin’s agent” Poroshenko fighting against true Ukrainian patriots. Also, that the “Anti-terrorist Operation” in the Western parts of Ukraine is “Moscow’s plot” to destroy Ukraine. The whole

Yemen Map of War, July 18-21, 2015

With your support SouthFront has released the second article of the Yemen Map of War Series, July 18-21, 2015. See Yemen Map of War, July 14-17, 2015 for additional information about the developments in the region. The “Maps of War” series is dedicated to explain ongoing global conflicts by consolidated data reports including high resolution maps. Saudi-backed fighters have seen success in southern Yemen and are continuing to take territory from the al

Three underrated and overlooked areas of potential Sino-Russian cooperation

by Mister Unknown When Sino-Russian collaboration is discussed in the media – be it western, Russian, or Chinese – the most-often discussed areas of cooperation are energy (e.g. the big gas deal last year), defense (e.g. Russian arms sales & joint exercises), and more recently, the new Silk Road as part of the Eurasian integration effort. It’s perfectly understandable that these are the focus items in the press, since they’re the “big wins” with big dollar amounts and
