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Russian President Vladimir Putin is holding a meeting with members of his Security Council in Moscow.

Posted for the Saker Blog by Amarynth Please note that this is ‘On Air’.  With the circumstances, listen now.  I am not sure whether a replay will be available. This came as a result of the ‘peace talks’. Russia-Ukraine Negotiations Round 2: Parties agree on humanitarian corridors The organization and creation of humanitarian corridors will be established, with a third round of talks planned for as soon as possible. (Ukrainian

A matter of self-defence

by Ghassan Kadi for the Saker blog I am not here to write about historic, strategic and military details pertaining to the issues surrounding the Ukraine crisis. Apart from those fabricating Hollywood material, there are many excellent analysts covering these areas competently. But as a Syrian/Lebanese, within my limited capacity, I have a duty to show support and reciprocate Russia’s support to Syria where it is due and, in this

War in Ukraine: “The whole world is with us” – and, with whom is “us”, with Kiev or with Moscow?

by Yuri Podolyaka for this YT channel translated by N. for the Saker blog Hello, my dear listeners. Today is March 2 and today’s first material will not be a review of the war front situation, because in the last few hours I just have not had a chance to get a whole lot of information. There is some information, but I will cover it in the next review. Today,

Lavrov gives interview to Russian and foreign media

This video may not stay up long.   Following is an alternative link that is not opening at all because of continual DDoS attacks on the Russia Foreign Ministry, but perhaps later in the day.   Foreign Minister Lavrov gave an interview to Al-Jazeera TV channel, Moscow, March 2, 2022 Major topics: 🔹 Ukraine after 2014 🔹 #RussiaNATO relations 🔹 Special military operation in Ukraine 🔹 Ukraine and nuclear

Moveable Feast Cafe 2022/03/02 … Open Thread

2022/03/02 23:00:01Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for

The importance of the Russian peacekeeping operation in Ukraine

By Batko Milacic for the Saker Blog Ukraine is the core of the formation of the Russian state and nation. And much more. In modern circumstances, the question of Ukraine is a question of Russia’s survival. Ukraine is the country that decides on Russia’s destiny because it is in the lobby of the Kremlin. In the modern conditions of modern weapons, it is a springboard for the dismemberment of Russia.

Day 7 – major moves in the south, human rights report suppressed

Dear friends, Here is a quick update.  First, a (provisional) map (which is typically 6 hours late or so): I think that this map is self-explanatory, especially since the only major change is in that pink box.  What we see here is what looks to me like an envelopment of the city of Odessa and the surrounding towns.  I would also notice that the distance between the Russian forces in

Sitrep: Germany: After 73 Years of US Occupation, Not Much To Work With How Washington Afflicted The Germans

By Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker Blog “Biden Imposes Sanctions on Nord Stream 2” –The Hill “Pentagon sending 7,000 more troops to Germany” –Politico “Germany’s own forces more or less blank” –Tagesspiegel BERLIN. After the German Reich was defeated in World War Two in 1949, its borders were redrawn, some territories went to France and Poland, and Austria was completely separated. The core German territory, however, was split into

Latest Comments from the Russian MFA

Collated and posted by Amarynth for the Saker Blog These are short-form comments as the Russian governmental sites are still under attack. It is a collection of the latest comments from the Russian Foreign Affairs office. 🎙 FM Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at the high-level segment of the Conference on Disarmament, March 1, 2022 💬 Today, the dangers that the Zelensky regime poses to neighbouring countries and international security in general

Russian MFA: The Truth Behind Events in Ukraine and Donbass

By Amarynth for the Saker Blog This document contains 46 pages of the support that a genocide took/is taking place in The Donbass and in the Ukraine. It is downloadable and has just been released from the Russian MFA with these short comments: ☝️ Everything that happened in Ukraine after the bloody coup of 2014 can only be described as endless political chaos, lawlessness and rampant ultra-nationalism. ▪️ The scale

Day 6, a couple of quick points

First, let’s begin with a pretty decent map of the situation today: Here is a small commentary on what we see in this map: In red the most recent Russian movements today.  The only major progress is inside the purpose square when Russian forces have penetrated deep in the rear of both Odessa and Kiev.  So I have to wonder – are they planning a strategic cauldron??? Dunno, but I

Day 6 – Mr President, is Ukraine winning the war? (not a joke!)

This question was asked by some pressitute while Biden was walking to his helicopter today: Mr President, is Ukraine winning the war? Wow, just wow.  Either she fully believes it, and then WOW or she doesn’t and then WOW again. This is a “Let’s Go Brandon” on a geostrategic level! :-) By the way, she followed up with a question about whether he worried about a nuclear war. I think

Ukrainian Crisis through the Prism of the Islamic Republic of Iran: From “Birth Pangs of a New Middle East” to a C-Section of a New Europe

by Mansoureh Tajik for the Saker Blog If I were to sum up the events of Ukraine in one short sentence, I would say: In the fall of Ukraine, the metaphorical west has fallen once again and cannot get up. The proof for this simple assessment should be sought in the answer to a larger contextual question: How does one actualize one’s dream of time travel floating between past, present,

Follow the money: how Russia will bypass western economic warfare

By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and cross-posted with The Cradle The US and EU are over-reaching on Russian sanctions. The end result could be the de-dollarization of the global economy and massive commodity shortages worldwide. So a congregation of NATO’s top brass ensconced in their echo chambers target the Russian Central Bank with sanctions and expect what? Cookies? What they got instead was Russia’s deterrence forces bumped

Open letter to TV watching western armchair generals

My dear TV western armchair generals, I get it, I promise.  I really do! Your entire life you have been trained to see a successful military operation like so: Begin by bombing the shit of the “hadjis” or “sand niggers” with bombs and missiles, then flatten their town à la Fallujah, then move in with heavy armor and shoot everything which still moves or breathes. Then distribute chewing-gums to a

Day 4 of the Russian offensive in the Ukraine

First, a hodgepodge sample of the kind of recent news: (sorry for the chaotic presentation, I am doing this all under time pressure) The International Chess Federation (FIDE) wants to sanction a Russian chess player for supporting the Russian intervention in the Ukraine.  Hey, losers!  This won’t help you!  If you remove the Russians, the Chinese and Indians will still take all the titles from you :-P The Scala in

America Defeats Germany for the Third Time in a Century: The MIC, OGAM and FIRE Sectors Conquer NATO

By Michael Hudson and posted with the author’s permission My old boss Herman Kahn, with whom I worked at the Hudson Institute in the 1970s, had a set speech that he would give at public meetings. He said that back in high school in Los Angeles, his teachers would say what most liberals were saying in the 1940s and 50s: “Wars never solved anything.” It was as if they never

Politics of the Ukraine – Past and future possibilities

by Straight-Bat for the Saker Blog Introduction It would be quite unusual for any thinking person to remain calm and quiet under the current geopolitical environment across the Eurasian landmass. Hence, I couldn’t resist myself from delving into the origin, causes, and future possibilities of the so-called ‘Ukraine problem’. The very first thing that comes to my mind is how the phrase ‘Ukraine problem’ came into limelight. Does the origin
