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Posts From The Saker

(The MUCH awaited) Ukraine SITREP translated by Gleb Bazov

The Boiling Point of the Southern Cauldron Original: Voice of Sevastopol, August 8, 2014 Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov Edited by S. Naylor The Collapse of the Southern Cauldron   The Southern Cauldron has reached its boiling point; it is living out its final hours. Everything that did not manage to flee to Russia or to break out of encirclement is in the process of being cooked. Yesterday, following

NOT a SITREP, but…

Dear friends,Many of you have asked for a SITREP on the situation in the Ukraine.  I have forwarded the request to Juan and Gleb.  I just came back home today and I don’t have the energy to make an analysis right now.  Sorry.  But I will say the following:1) All the signs are that the Ukies have broken through several Resistance lines and that Donetsk is either surrounded or close

Pain inflicting techniques

by Nikolai Starikov for Vzgiad(translated by the Russian Team) The West is so used to the one-sided game that they seem genuinely surprised that Russia has responded to the West’s sanctions against her. That’s ok, let them get used to it. Whoever will come to us with a sword by the sword will perish. That is only when we are talking about a battle sword and a “hot” war. If

9TH/10TH August Nigeria SITREP (Boko Haram)

Fighting In Damboa on 5th August 2014, elements of the 7th Infantry Division, Nigerian Army, backed by light attack jets of the Nigerian Airforce, commenced an assault to dislodge combined Boko Haram forces in control of Damboa Town and surrounding areas in Damboa Local Government Area (LGA), of Borno State, that the insurgents captured earlier in July. At the same time, the insurgents captured their second local government seat and

Upcoming changes to the comments section

Dear friends,[This is yet again a post which 90% of you can ignore and which is directed at a most annoying 10% who mistake this blog for a kindergarten.  No need to point finger – we all know who is who.  Anyway, here goes:]Over the past couple of days, when I looked at the comments section I have felt quite dismayed by the level of hostility which some of you

Who is Mr. Putin? by Mikhail Khazin (MUST SEE!)

There is a lot of nonsense and garbage floating around on the Internet about the personality of Vladimir Putin, mostly written folks who not only know nothing about him, but who don’t even understand the basics about how the Russian state works.  Today, I want to share with you a video (especially translated or this purpose by the Russian Team) in which the renowned Russian economic Mikhail Khazin shares his

The wave pain for the EU is now slowly turning into a tsunami of mutually reinforcing problems

This is great stuff!  RT reports: Ukraine ready to impose sanctions against any transit via its territory, including air flights and gas supplies to Europe, Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said Friday.  Ukraine’s Parliament will vote on the sanctions on Tuesday.  Kiev has also prepared a list of 172 Russian citizens and 65 legal enitites to put under sanctions for “sponsoring terrorism, supporting the annexation of Crimea, and violating the territorial

You wanna be Uncle Sam’s bitch? Pay the price!

Dear friends,I just took a short break from my life in “meatspace” to comment upon the great news of the day:  Russia is introducing a full 12 months embargo on the import of beef, pork, fruits and vegetables, poultry, fish, cheese, milk and dairy products from the European Union, the United States, Australia, Canada and the Kingdom of Norway.  Russia is also introducing an airspace ban against European and US

Daashing out of Iraq: Recent Military Maneuvers (by Mindfriedo)

Daashing out of Iraq: Recent Military Maneuvers The timing of the Kurdish advance west in Daash held territory appears to be a well planned operation. Three events are significant. The first was that the advance and confrontation of the Kurds did not begin till the return of Former President Jalal Talibani. He is pragmatic and astute as opposed to Massoud Barzani who is Kurdish nationalistic and believed to be close

Detailed expert analysis of the MH17 downing

Dear friends,It is a huge pleasure for me to submit to you a detailed analysis made by “CDN” of the circumstances of the downing of MH17.You will notice that CDN’s analysis does not agree with my own hypothesis.  The difference being that CDN does have the professional expertise (accident investigation) to write such a report while I do not.  Still, CDN has specifically asked me to “please encourage readers to

This and that about this and that

Dear friends,A couple of item to bring to your attention today.Short Absence I will be gone all day tomorrow (my wife and I are celebrating our 20th anniversary!) and then busy for most of Thursday and Friday.  I will leave an open thread, as usual, which I will do my best to moderate.Trolls Trolls have been a royal pain in the rear recently.  Some post their nonsense 3 or 4

Agust 5th Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo: Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war

Quote of the Day, Castro on Israel: I think that a new and disgusting form of fascism is emerging with considerable force at this moment in human history 4th Aug: Red Crescent is reporting the detention of 100 Christian and Yazidi families by Daash at Tal Afar airport on Monday. The men were executed while the women and children were sent off to be sold as slaves. 4th Aug: Nuri

Ukraine SITREP by Gleb Bazov

The Shrinking Cauldron – The Surrender of the 72nd Brigade The Southern Cauldron has entered the final stages of its existence; the agony of the units deprived of provisions has begun. The Surrender of the 72nd Brigade Original: Colonel Cassad LiveJournal Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov Today, the remnants of the 72nd Separate Mechanized Brigade fled into the territory of the Russian Federation. According to Russia Today: Four hundred and thirty

The culture wars of the glorious Ukrs of Banderastan

“Whenever I hear the word ‘culture’ I reach for my gun“ (mistakenly but appropriately attributed to) Hermann Göring The culture wars in Banderastan are in full swing.  Most of you know that Ukie historiography is, shall we say, ‘peculiar’.  It ranges through a compelte re-writing of the history of the territory which after 1991 was called the “Ukraine”, but it includes all sorts of bizarre claims about the ancient “Ukr” people

438 Ukrainian officers, NCOs and soliders have surrended to Russian forces

Russian news channels have just shown footage of 438 Ukrainian officers, NCOs and soldiers who have surrendered to Russian forces in the Rostov region.  They had requested safe passage, which was granted to them, and they abandoned their weapons and crossed the border.   They appeared exhausted and weak and they were immediately washed, given dry clothes and, when needed, provided medical treatment by the Russian military.  Those who made the

August 3rd adn 4th Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo

3rd Aug: Qassim Atta, spokesperson for the Iraqi Army states that the Iraqi government is willing to back local fighters from Mosul in their fight against Daash. He said that they should come within the fold of/assimilate into the regular armed forces. 3rd Aug: The Iraqi Army’s spokesperson, Qassim Atta, singles out two Television channels: Al Babiliya and Tagheer, as being sectarian. The Channels are owned by Saleh al-Mutlaq (Iraqi

The Russian military is muddying the waters

First, there was the announcement that Russia’s Defense Ministry will hold drills for reservists in all of the country’s military commands in August-October.  Now comes yet another announcement, this time that Russia’s will be holding military exercises this week involving 100 aircraft in the west of the country near the Ukraine border.  This kind of activity does not mean that Russia is saber-rattling or somehow threatening anybody, much less so

4th August Nigerian SITREP (General)

IMPORTANT Nigerian Army alleges that explosives used by female suicide bombers in recent bomb attacks in Kano have been analysed and traced to a Chinese-run quarry in Yobe State of Northeast Nigeria that was overrun and seized by Boki Haram fighters last year. However, none of the recent bombings involving female suicide bombers have been claimed by any of the Boko Haram groups. Also sources in the Harakatul-Muhajiriin and its

Just the baseless hypothesis of an uninformed amateur, nothing more

First, a disclaimer: I am not a pilot nor an air traffic controller, and I never served with air defense units.  I did spend some time with an airforce, but my role was one of electronic intercept analysis.  So what follows are just the musings of an uninformed amateur.  Caveat emptor.What I will try to do here is present a possible scenario which takes into account the basic facts established

Two Ukrainian SITREPs

El Murid SITREP, August 1, 2014 Defeating a Large Group of the Punitive Forces Could Start a Chain Reaction Original: El Murid LiveJournal Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov Photograph: Viktor Drachev / AFP According to Russia Today (Experts: Kiev Military Operation is doomed to failure because of internal contradictions) “… Kiev is unable successfully to conduct the military operation in the east of the country, as it is not
