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Reminder SITREP: definition of “genocide”

From the hyper politically correct Wikipedia entry: In 1948, the United Nations Genocide Convention defined genocide as any of five “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such.” These five acts were: killing members of the group, causing them serious bodily or mental harm, imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group, preventing births, and forcibly transferring children

Sitrep: Donetsk, Lugansk, Situation at line of engagement

Reports are pouring in of provocations.  These are routinely reported to various monitoring organizations relatively without fanfare, but the Russian press (in English) is carrying this widely. Peskov:  “We can see that provocations are taking place. We have seen reports from the self-proclaimed republics about an exchange of strikes on the line of contact and the first strikes came from Ukraine. This is very alarming information,” Donetsk, February 17. /TASS/: 

Sitrep: What’s New? Maria Zakharova Comments, China Actions

#Opinion by Maria Zakharova: What the United States and Great Britain are currently engaged in is classic war propaganda. Such activity is banned under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, adopted on December 16, 1966, by UN General Assembly Resolution 2200A (XXI). The first paragraph in Article 20 stipulates: “Any propaganda for war shall be prohibited by law.” What could be clearer? Still, maintaining a free hand has

Russian Defence Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu held talks in Moscow with his British counterpart Ben Wallace + short sitrep The Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Sergei Shoigu, held talks in Moscow with his British counterpart Ben Wallace. During the meeting, the head of the Russian military department said that the situation on the European continent is becoming increasingly tense, and it was not Russia’s fault. “I welcome you to Moscow, to the Ministry of Defence. The military-political situation in Europe is becoming

The Olympic War Against Russian Athletes

The Olympic War Against Russian Athletes The war against Russia has many rails, but none more vicious than the “doping” attacks against the Russian athletes. It happens in the Summer Games and it happens in the Winter Games. The drugs of late turn out to be not performance enhancers, but are related to heart function. Not banned until WADA, a thoroughly corrupt Canadian organization obsessed with controlling sports around the

Sitrep: From Maria’s office

Russian MFA 🇷🇺, [2/7/22 4:47 AM] ⚡️ #Opinion by Maria Zakharova: 💬 Josep Borrell’s recent deliberations ( about the future of Europe, published in his blog on January 30 have confirmed my long-time suspicion that his blog has a life of its own and that the EU’s foreign policy chief may not even know what exotic texts are posted there on his behalf. The new entry plays on the Western

Sitrep Argentina: Odious debt and Belt and Road

The president of Argentina as a matter of urgency approached President Putin in the day before President Putin left for Beijing.  They needed help with odious debt that the country entered into with the IMF.  This is the sequence of events in the last few days: Argentina is trapped in $44 billion of odious debt from the US-controlled IMF. Seeking alternatives to US hegemony, Argentina’s President Alberto Fernández traveled to

China Sitrep: Cookies, Lil’Blinky and The Pain Dial

By Amarynth and intended as a quick update and a companion piece to The Saker’s Chaos piece here: Victoria Nuland (affectionately known as Cookies), jumped the shark.  She called her counterpart in China and demanded, (asked, petulantly begged?): China Do Something!.  Influence the Russians!.  We need a concession from them.  Just Do Something!  There were the requisite attempts to deliver soft threats:  “if there is a conflict in Ukraine

Sitrep China: As the competitors start entering the newly constructed Olympics villages the war beat goes on

By Amarynth and the Here Comes China Newsletter by Godfree Roberts What were we talking about just three or four months ago? Remember? China was going to imminently attack Taiwan. There was wall-to-wall coverage. The jingoism did not work. Nobody attacked Taiwan. China stated that Taiwan will be integrated with the mainland at the right time, and follow the correct procedure. China is dealing with a recalcitrant province that historically

Sitrep Kazakhstan: President Tokayev addressed the nation

Tokayev addressed the nation and called what is happening now in the country an anti-terrorist operation. Kazakhstan is undergoing an anti-terrorist operation An anti-terrorist operation is underway in our country. The police, National Guard and army are all carrying out an extensive and coordinated work to establish law and order in accordance with the Constitution. Yesterday, the situation in the cities of Almaty, Aktobe and the Almaty region stabilized. The

Sitrep: Summary of Briefing from Colonel General Andrei Serdyukov, commander of the CSTO grouping in Kazakhstan.

Colonel General Andrei Serdyukov, commander of the CSTO grouping in Kazakhstan. Briefing on Kazakhstan. 07.01.2022 1. Citizens of Alma-Ata are urged to stay indoors and observe the state of emergency until the remaining militants are shot. Given the ongoing shooting, this is in the interests of the citizens themselves. Authorities warn that trained guerrilla snipers are operating in the city. More than 3,000 people have been arrested and dozens killed.

Sitrep: Kazakhstan

This is a machine translation from Original text by Andrey Rezchikov Note:  Kindly use this thread for dissemination of information as well, as we have done before with crises such as this. Paid conspirators found behind riots in Kazakhstan In Kazakhstan, mass protests provoked by a sharp increase in gas prices do not subside. Protesters in Alama Ata attack the police, smash and seize administrative buildings. A state of

China’s Excellent, Very Good Year: 2021 was China’s best year. Ever.

This week’s China Sitrep is by Godfree Roberts and went viral across the resistance sites. Amidst global gloom, 2021 was the best year in modern Chinese history. Here’s what they accomplished: Eliminated extreme poverty. Reached 96% home ownership. Kept Covid death rate at 0.6% of America’s. bigger Grew the economy $2 trillion PPP, the fastest growth ever. Became the richest country on earth. Became the world’s biggest overseas investor. Became

This morning from Maria’s office

Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova 💬 Kleptocrats have stolen $100 billion of government money. Oh, I forgot one important detail – in the United States. Who said this? No, neither Vladimir Solovyev, nor Dmitry Kiselev, nor Margarita Simonyan. US Secret Service Coordinator Roy Dotson made this statement. In his words, the US allocated money to counter pandemic-related unemployment but, as you might have guessed, these funds did not reach the

Sitrep: This morning in Maria’s office …

Posted by Amarynth Maria Zakharova, I mean, or did I mean Maria Z Kalashnikov? ❗️ Maria #Zakharova: @usairforce actions have posed risks to civil aviation. Just because an air incident over the Black Sea’s Int waters has been prevented, this does not mean the US and NATO can further put people’s lives at #risk with impunity. 🔗 — MFA Russia 🇷🇺 (@mfa_russia) December 5, 2021 MFA spox #Zakharova:

Sitrep: Here Comes China – Taking the lead – a dialogue on democracy in China

By Amarynth for the Saker Blog including a number of data points from Godfree Roberts Did you know that a huge International Forum on Democracy is ongoing in China right now?  This is before the supposed Summit on Democracy which is an attempt to divide the world into Democracies and Autocracies, according to the wishes of the rules-based international order. As we have seen so often from China, they acted

Sitrep: Venezuela Elections – Landslide for United Socialist Party (PSUV)

Disciplined and well-organized elections held in Venezuela yesterday, lead to a clear win for the ruling party. President Nicolás Maduro called it a ‘Historic Victory of the Revolution’. #Venezuela | Election day in Venezuela has unfolded peacefully under international supervision and with remarkable discipline, as the voting population complies with COVID-19 preventive measures. — teleSUR English (@telesurenglish) November 21, 2021 Venezuela’s ruling United Socialist Party (PSUV) won in a

Debunking US & OAS Claims on Nicaragua Election

by Chris Faure for the Saker Blog Daniel Ortega and the Sandinista alliance won the election with over 70% of the votes.  This is the 4th time that the Nicaraguans declare themselves satisfied with their government and with Ortega. Prior to the election, Facebook cancelled most of the younger Sandinista voices, claiming they were bots.  They went onto Twitter and posted photos of themselves and made short speeches to show

Red Line and Taiwan

by Chris Faure for the Saker Blog Every English media in China today ledes with the news that in an interview with CNN, the leader of the Taiwan region, Tsai Ing-wen, admitted to the presence of US military trainers on the island for the first time.  The first reports stated ‘soldiers’, but were soon edited to ‘trainers’. Global Times bellowed back:  Redline: US troops must not station in Taiwan In

Here Comes China: Xi Jinping’s speech, Major geo-political events, Joint naval patrol, Shangri-La was a novel

by Amarynth for the Saker Blog There has been a slight pause in these sitreps. This writing became overshadowed with current events, fully covered in the Saker Blog by other writers.  Because of length, we will upgrade this one today from sitrep to guest analysis. A shortlisting of four major events since the Sitrep paused: 1.Meng Wanzhou’s triumphant return to China and a win against the Long Arm of the
